chapter 9

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ma' liayah pov

6 months later

me and kyan was walking around the mall with both of our hands full with bags from every store in here, we had to make two trips to the car so we decided that we was done for the day we was now on our way to the food court and sat all our bags down in the booth next to us .

" what you want to eat mamas " kyan asked looking at me as he was getting up

" ummmmm idk... noo chinese i want chinese " i said smiling looking at him he smiled and modded walking away. over the past months me and kyan have really gotten closer. ever since that night we first officially met and he got my number we have been talking non stop, he stayed a few nights at my house and i did too. he was a really fun and chill person to be around , i think i'm starting to catch feelings but i don't want to let my guard down again and get hurt so i just pushed those feelings back and we are gonna stay friends.

kyan came back with our food as i put my phone down from texting jazmyn. and i did a little happy dance in my seat and kyan looked at me like i was crazy and laughed

" what you know i love my food" i said opening my egg foo yung and fried rice and took a bite and it was soooo good so i moaned and closed my eyes as it went down my throat. i opened my eyes to see kyan looking at me

" whattt?" i asked looking at him he shook his head and smiled

" you didn't have to moan like that " he said biting into his fried chicken , i shrugged my shoulders and took one his chicken and he popped my hand

" the hell you think you doing " he asked mugging the shit outta me and i mugged him back

" why you do thattt" i whined rubbing hand and he shook his head

" stop that shit and why you tryna eat my food when you got some right there ?" he asked pointing to my food

" cause i wanted some of yours . i just wanted to bite it " i said shrugging

"well no , eat your own shit , that's what you it got for" he sad biting his chicken while i mugged him

" whatever " i said eating my food

we sat there eating and talking . i can honestly say that i've grown feelings for him but i don't want to press on it because i know it will end badly and he probably don't even feel the same way and that's fine because i don't want to mess up our friendship anyway and that's another reason why i don't wanna press on my feelings

" what you thinking about mamas" he asked looking at me as i shook my head

" nothing " i said giving him a small smile

" you sure ?" he asked looking concerned

" i'm sure ky ky " i said smiling as he mugged me he hates when i call him that

" stop calling me that gay ass shit yo but are you ready to go ? " he said getting his trash together as i nodded doing the same thing getting up putting our trash in the trash can , we got all of our bags out the booth next to us and started walking to the car.

once we made it to the car we put all our bags in the car and and pulled off to kyan house. the whole car ride was quite except for the radio playing on low. i was looking out the window thinking about my mom and how i was happy when she was here. she is missing out on a lot of important things in my life and i can't help but to get sad and think that she will never be able to see my kids or when i get married or even meet my first real boyfriend. i didn't realize how deep i was thinking until kyan put his hand on my thigh and started rubbing it and i looked at him.

" what's wrong ?" he asked looking at me then back at the road . i put my hand on top of his

" i was just thinking about my mother and how she's missing out on a lot of important things in my life and it makes me sad every time i think about it " i said looking back out the window as he stopped at a red light and turned his body to me and put his hand on my chin turning my face to him

" look i can't say i know what your going through because i don't , but i can say is that you are the most beautiful, strongest woman i know .i know you can overcome any tragedy that comes your way , you have gotten so far with her and your going to go more without her. i am with you 100% of the way and i am never leaving you and you jazmyn isn't going anywhere , you have people around you that loves you to death and would do anything for you because i know i will, you don't have to be depressed but it's okay to be sad every once and a while" he said smiling at me and i was smiling back on the verge of tears i looked at him for awhile then wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight as the car horns behind us started beeping and i laughed and we pulled away and looked at each other for a little bit before he pulled off

" thank you kyan i really appreciate you " i said smiling at him as i rubbed his face and chest as he smiled

" no problem ma" he said glancing at me as he pulled into his driveway and turned the car off and we both got out getting all the bags out the car as i opened the front door . i sat all the bags down in the living room as kyan did the same thing with his

" is that it?" i asked looking at all the bags in the living room as he nodded

" yea you can lock the lock the door " he said as he went to the kitchen and i went to the living room, i sat on the couch going through the bags sorting out things. i had most of the bags done when kyan walked in with a sandwich and i laughed and shook my head continuing to sort our clothes

" what " he asked as he bit into his sandwich i shook my head

" nothing " i sad looking at the clothes realizing i only had one bag left he shrugged his shoulders sitting next to me as i grabbed the last bag but looking at it , it wasn't mine so i was about to look through it when kyan snatched it out my hands

" why you do that ? " i asked as i looked at him and he shook his head

" why you take it from me then" i asked crossing my arms sitting back on the couch i found that as disrespect and i don't take disrespect lightly

" cause it's mine " he said plainly as i just shook my head

" well that was rude and disrespectful , you could've just asked for it back and i would've gave it to you" i said getting all my clothes placing them back in bags away from his stuff, i placed all my things by the front door getting my purse , phone and keys going to the door . i picked up all my bags opening the door going outside to my car , i put the bags in the backseat then getting in the front of my car just as i closed my car door kyan came out the house. i started my car and put it in reverse as he walked up to my car , he knocked on my window causing me to roll it down a little bit

" can i help you ?" i asked looking at him as he shook his head

" look i'm sorry just come back in the house please" he said looking me in my eyes

" naw i'm good imma go home , you call me when you ready to tell me what you hiding , byee" i said as i rolled my window back up and backed out his driveway as he sat there looking like a lost puppy , i kinda felt bad but then again he should trust me enough to tell me anything. i tell him anything that's going on with me , i thought he would to so if he want to keep things to him self imma keep to my self and not bother him.


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