chap 11

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ma'liayah pov

i just back from the mall with draco. he was downstairs in the living room and i came up here to my room and brushed my teeth and put my hair in a bun then went back downstairs. draco was sitting on my couch watching tv and i sat across from him and he turned the tv off and looked at me

 draco was sitting on my couch watching tv and i sat across from him and he turned the tv off and looked at me

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" soo was that your boyfriend ?" he asked looking at me as i rolled my eyes

" that's not what we need to talk about but no we just chilling" i said shrugging my shoulders sitting back looking at him

" so what you wanted to talk about then?" he asked as me as i shook my head

" why you decided to come back after all these years you didn't even come to mommy's funeral" i said looking at him plainly i knew for a fact that draco been got outta jail. the people called me asking me to get him but i never did cause i was hurt

" idk and it was hard for me to go so i didn't, you was good though" he said nonchalantly as i shook my head laughing and he looked at me like i was crazy

" you don't know what i was, or what i went through, it was hell living with dad, i went through so much that a 13 year old girl shouldn't have to. as my big brother you should've made sure that i was always good even if we wasn't that close or had the best bond, as family you should've care enough about me" i said as tears rolled down my cheeks as he sat there with his head down and i shook my head and wiped my face

" you didn't even have the decency to check on rico and y'all was the closest, you that hurt him right ? he mope aroufor weeks over you and i would be the one to comfort him when i was going through my own pain. that's wasn't fair or right" i said shaking head as he still sat there with his head down

" you can leave i got somewhere i need to be" i said getting up going to the door

" wait can we talk about this ?" he said getting up coming to where i was as i shook my head and opened the door

" nah you good " i said as he walked out and i shut the door on his face

i went back upstairs and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower just as i was about to take off my clothes somebody knocked on my door. thinking it was draco i opened it and when i saw D my heart dropped to my ass i tried to close it in his face but he pushed it back opening it wider stepping in as i took off upstairs and to room locking the door behind me and putting the dresser in front of it going to my nightstand grabbing my red glock and my phone i called kyan but he didn't answer so i called him again i went to my bathroom and locked the door and called jazmyn and jabari but they didn't answer either and called them all again and kept calling but nobody answered so i gave up. i guess i'll handle this my way. i grabbed anything i could find that would hurt him and went into the closet in the bathroom and i heard him buss through the bathroom door as my heart sped up i tried calling kyan three more times but he still didn't answer as i cried.

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