chapter 12

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kyan pov

3 weeks later

it's been three weeks since lia been in this coma, she's done little things like moving her fingers or squeezing my hand but the doctors said it's her nerves moving and still being active not her so when she does it it doesn't come as i surprise to me anymore. i was in her room in the chair when a nurse came in her room. she was brown skin tall thick with hazel eyes and blond hair she looked like she was mixed with something. i was on my phone when she said something to me

" it's nice that you been up here everyday for your sister" she spoke fixing lias iv as i chuckled still scrolling on my phone

" that's not my sister" i said still looking at my phone as i felt her staring at me

" woow soo you not claiming her while she's in the hospital? that's messed up i thought you were different she said coming up to me

" nah that's my wife " i said still looking at my phone as she got down on her knees in front of me putting her hands on my legs rubbing them up and down

" i don't see no ring on her finger or yours for that matter" she said as she tried to unbuckle my belt but i pushed her away

" you don't need to so you can leave, me and my wife straight" i said pushing past her standing up going to the door

" can i get another nurse ?!" i yelled out in the hall as lia doctor came up to me

" what's wrong" he asked me as he looked at the nurse that was still in here

" she being inappropriate and unprofessional and i just don't like her" i said plainly as i shrugged my shoulders as he shook his head

" this isn't your wife's assigned nurse , i honestly don't even know why she's even in here" he said as we both looked at ole girl

" get out" i said as she shook her head and walked out

"i'm sorry bout that" he said as i nodded and he walked away i closed the door and sat in the chair next to lia and grabbed her hand as i dozed off.

ma'liayah pov

flash back

" mommy ?" i asked looking around the house. i heard voices coming from the living room. i peeked behind the wall seeing my mother and
man in front of her in a suit and two big men behind him holding guns.

" please ray , my husband isn't here" i heard my mother cry looking at the man as he shook his head

" then i'll guess i'll kill you then, give him some motivation to get my money" he said pulling out his gun shooting her in her chest. i put my hand over my mouth and backed up a little as they left

" mommy mommy wake up mommyyyy" i cried as i shook my mother's lifeless body i laid my head on her chest and cried

end of flash back

i opened my eyes then closed them back due to these bright ass lights i opened them a little bit adjusting to the lights looking around the room seeing kyan next to me sleep as i smiled a little and started calling his name as best as i could.

kyan pov

" ky ky" i heard but didn't open my eyes as i moved around in my sleep

" kyan" i heard again

" yea" i said still not opening my eyes, i didn't hear anything so i opened my eyes looking around the room but nobody was in here i then looked at liayah seeing her staring at me as i jumped up and hugged her as she smiled and laughed

" i missed you soo much , i thought you was gonna leave me " i said as a few tears slipped and she wiped them away and smiled

" i'm not going anywhere, you can't get rid of me that easy" she said as i hugged her again then pulled away and i looked at her for a minute then crushed my lips onto hers and slowly kissed her as she immediately kissed me back, i licked her bottom lip asking for entrance as she quickly allowed me to slide my tongue in her mouth, our tongues battled each other's for dominance as mine won of course, we slowly pulled back staring at each other

" get in with me" she said patting the bed moving over as i took my shoes off and got in next to her, i wrapped my arms around her waist as she laid her head on my chest it was quite for a minute till i spoke

" who did this to you" i asked as she turned her head to me and rubbed my chest

" my ex, but i'm not going to tell you anything else because i know how you are and i'm fine, i'm okay i'm here with you" she said giving me a small smile as she rubbed my cheek with her thumb and leaned up to kiss my lips and she laid back down as i started thinking, i was thinking until i heard liayahs light breathing indicating that she was sleep, i looked down at her and was just staring at her until i dozed off and went to sleep.

the next morning

i woke up feeling eyes on me, i opened them seeing rico jazmyn and jabari staring at me and liayah she was still sleep and they was just staring at us.

"why the hell yall looking at us like that" i asked movin liayah over and getting up going to the bathroom. i did my business washed my hands and left out. i walked back in the room seeing liayah up and talking to rico jabari and jazmyn and i smiled and went over to them as she looked at me and smiled back, i leaned over and kissed her lips and she put her hands on my face deepening the kiss.

" okayyy damn " jazmyn said pulling us apart as i mugged her as liayah smiled

" right sucking each other's face off" jabari said after her and i mugged him too and liayah just thought it was oh so funny and i looked at her

" you think it's funny " i asked getting closer to her and she quickly shook her head smiling

" yes you do" i said tickling her as she bussed out laughing

" okay okay stopppp" she said laughing as we heard a knock on the door and i stopped and looked at the door as liayahs doctor came in smiling.

" ahh mrs. remeirez , i see your up and well, i am just coming to check you vitals and see how well you healed" he said as i looked at lia and she looked confused but then smiled and nodded

" well it looks like everything is fine but i do have some concerns" he said looking at me and liayah as she looked concerned so i grabbed her hand and she gave me a small smile and i returned it

" if you didn't know you were raped severely and due to the constant pounding to your uterus it's a high likely chance you may not receive children,i am very sorry and due to that you can not have sex in about two to three weeks until your fully healed ,i will have your discharge papers ready in a little once again i am very sorry" he said to us then walked out the door, liayah let go of my hand and got up and went to the bathroom, i sat on the bed and put my head in my hands.

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