chapter 4

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Ma'liyah POV

todays the day the going shopping for a cute outfit for my graduation. im going to be graduating in two or three weeks, i was going to school for business and i'm graduating with my masters, bachelor's, and associates degree in business management. i have good stable, well paying job. i am a well known RN nurse at Lenox hill hospital. my job is paying me very well and i save every paycheck i get. i really can't believe i'm almost at three mill in my account just for this job alone. i have been an RN sense i graduated high school and i have had other jobs on the side and i saved all that money. i plan on opening my own business and have many sources of income coming in. i wanted jazmyn to come with me to the mall so i called her and told her i was coming by to pick her up.

i went in my bathroom and turned on the shower then went back in my room , as i was getting my clothes , i heard a knock on my door, without me thinking i just said come in without me looking to see who it was

" so you still being a bitch huh" i heard from behind me

"what?" i asked turning around to my bastard ass low life miserable father

" you cant just be nice to her for one day can you" he asked mugging the fuck outta me, the way he was looking at me ,you would think that i wasnt his daughter

" fuck is you talking bout?" i asked irritated as hell and mugging the hell outta him

" monica, im talking bout monica you ungrateful bitch" he said stepping closer to me. as he stepped closer to me i knew he drunk , i smelled it all on his breath and because his eyes went completely black and he was real live mad but i ain't give a flying fuck

" yoo foreal get the fuck out my face cause you really blowing me, i aint do shit to you or yah stank ass girlfriend so leave me the hell ALONE!!" i screamed at him , by this time i was heated , he was really pissing me off, out of all the times he pissed me off this had to be the worse one because i never reacted to any of it. and i knew he was enjoying getting a reaction out of me

"who the fuck you think you talking to, you are a little ass girl , you better learn to respect yah fucking elders, "my dads girlfriend came walking in and said

"look im this close to beating yah ass so i advise you to get the fuck out my face and mind yah fucking business. this aint got shit to do with you so go the fuck away" i said clamly stepping closer to her

" come on babe lets go, she aint worth shit anyway so lets go " she turning around grabbing my dads hand and he gladly accepted it and they walked out my room . i can't wait till i leave this miserable ass place. to say that i wasn't hurt would be a lie, he did this shit since i was younger and i couldn't take it anymore

i went to the bathroom and just stood in the mirror thinking to myself what i ever did wrong for my life to go like this, i dont do anything to nobody, im caring person , i dont deceive anyone. but i guess thats not enough, i will never be enough , but you know what im a bad bitch, i got the looks, the personality , the vibes, i got everything and its original and mine. and im not about to let anybody take it away, especially my dead beat father and trash ass girlfriend.

i got myself self together and took off my clothes and got in the shower, i was in there for a good 45 minutes so i got out and put a towel around my body , got my clothes off the floor and went in my room. i put my dirty clothes in the basket and got my lotion , perfume and deodorant , and put it all on , its going on 2 so im about to go to jazmyn house. i went in my closet to find something to wear to her house . i picked out my all white long sleeve turtle neck one piece and some all white leggings, i then picked out my all black suede knee high boots and a white and blue bape jacket.

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