chapter 7

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kyan pov

2 weeks later

" yoooooo" i heard my boy yell walking through my house

" nigha how tha hell you get in here?" i asked closing the fridge door as he went and sat on the couch

" nigha don't worry bout all that" he said pulling out ah blunt and lighting it

" mane imma empty a clip in yo ass keep playing with me" i said as i mugged him snatching the blunt away from him. causing him to chuckle i took a long pull feeling the smoke invade my lungs as i inhaled it and blew it out my nose.

" yea yea , we going out tonight but not to the club , that's the main reason i came over here" he said taking the blunt back as i got up . i nodded my head as i went to the kitchen to get a drink

" where we going " i asked him sitting back down next him taking my phone out

" nigga where my drink ?" he asked , i looked at him and busted out laughing

" nigga fuck you , get ya own damn drink, you walk in here like you live here and shit " i said shaking my head drinking my ginger ale

" whatever nigga but we going to the movies with jazmyn and her friend" he said as i looked at him sideways taking in what he just said

" you finally settling down huh?" i asked surprised as he chuckled shaking his head yea

" yea man , this game shit not gonna last forever and i'm not tryna let it take me out " he said i shook my head he was right , i need to start thinking about my life and if i wanted to really sit here and be in the game til i'm like 60 sum, i then started to think on the girl that we was going with

" so is this the girl you been around a lot and has bright her to my house the other day?" i asked looking at him , he nodded yes and i nodded too

after what seemed like forever we got done chilling and smoking and i decided i needed to get dressed since it was already going 8, so after he left i went to my room ,i looked in my closet for something to wear and found a simple white outfit.

after what seemed like forever we got done chilling and smoking and i decided i needed to get dressed since it was already going 8, so after he left i went to my room ,i looked in my closet for something to wear and found a simple white outfit

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i put it on my bed then went to my connecting bathroom and turned on the shower . i let it run for a few minutes so it could get hot then i got in and washed my body . i was in there for about 20 minutes then got out. i wrapped a towel around my waist and went to the sink . i washed face and brushed my teeth. then i used mouthwash and rinsed and spit twice before washing my mouth out with just water.

after i was done in the bathroom i went to my room saw that it was going on eight thirty , i guess i wasn't as long as i thought . i went to my draw and pulled some black polo briefs out and put them on. i then proceeded to put my clothes on and shoes . once that was done i put my chains on and grabbed my phone keys and wallet and turned everything off and headed to my garage. i was debating on which car to chose so i just choose my all white audi. i texted jabari where we was supposed to meet up at and he sent me the location so i headed that way.

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