chapter 6

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ma' liyah pov

i woke up to the sun shining bright in my eyes. i looked on my night stand for my phone, i looked at the time and it said 10'o clock so i got up putting my hair in a bun walking to my bathroom turning on the water. i didn't get to much sleep last night due to me studying all night. i stepped in the shower washing my whole body. 30 minutes later i was getting out the shower. i walked into my bedroom getting my phone to text jazmyn so we could go house shopping. i needed to move asap. while waiting for her to text back i walked to my room and going to my closet to find an cute but simple outfit. it was going to be hot today so i threw on som lime green biker shorts and a black tube top with some gucci floral sandals

 it was going to be hot today so i threw on som lime green biker shorts and a black tube top with some gucci floral sandals

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i grabbed my black purse and thew everything i needed into it. i grabbed my phone and keys and headed out the door to my car . making sure my alarm was on i got in my car and went towards jazmyn house she didn't text back so i'm popping up on ha ass. i have two appointments today, one is at 2 and the other at 4 and right now it's twelve.

as i was pulling up to her house i saw dre car out front and he was coming out. i pulled in behind her car and got out leaving my bag. when i was going up the stairs dre was coming down but i didn't speak to him. he looked at me and shook his head when i didn't speak. i mean he has no reason to be mad at me when he's the one who left and come back acting like everything's cool.

i walked into jazmyn room and she was in the bathroom in a towel i just sat on her couch that's in her room. a few minuets later she came out in a bra and matching panties.

" why you not sitting on the bed ?" she asked going to the closet

" i'm not sitting on that bed and risk the chances of sitting on y'all kids , yea i'm good sis" i said getting out my phone

" girl , you saying the when you sitting on our kids right now " she said laughing and going to the closet. i jumped up  and stood by the door

" i fucking hate youuu" i yelled at her and walked out her room. i could hear laughing  as i was walking down the steps. i sat on the couch was waiting for her there.

20 minutes had passed and she was now coming down the stairs we left the house and she locked the doors. we got into my car and i backed out the driveway making my way to the first appointment.

i pulled up to the house and it was nice on the outside , but it looked a lil small. we got out and walked to the door. i knocked on the door and a middle age woman opened the door.

" hi you must be here for the house tour" she said smiling at me.

" yea i am " i said smiling back at her

" well come on in and we'll start out side and work our way in " she said opening the door i just nodded my head and me and jazmyn walked in.

" so this house is 12,000 sq feet, it is a 3 bed 2 1/2 bath, one washing machine and dryer, one living room, dining room and kitchen with a finished basement" she said taking us around the house. it was nice just a little too small for me

" how about you guys look around on your own for a bit" the lady said to us we nodded our heads went upstairs

" what you think ? you like it ?" jazmyn asked looking into one the rooms

" i mean it's cool it's just a little to small and too close to people houses, you know i like my space" i said looking at the small bathroom

" well i mean it is just you" she said shrugging her shoulders

" i mean yea but i don't want a big ass house but not this small either" i said looking at her

" okay well we still got more to look at " she said walking away, i followed behind her down the stairs and the lady was by the door on her phone

" well what do you think, you like it ?" she asked putting her phone down

" do you mind if we see the other one ?" i asked her , she nodded her head

" follow me " she said as she got into her car and we did the same, she pulled off and i pulled off behind her. we soon was pulling up into the nice driveway of the beautiful house . i was in love already and it was in a gated community so it wasn't that close to the other houses.

 i was in love already and it was in a gated community so it wasn't that close to the other houses

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now i was in love with this one. it looks like the perfect size. i pulled into the driveway behind her car and got out. we walked up to the front door and she opened it.

" this is a 14,000 sq feet house, it's a 6 bed 6bath, game room, theatre room, inside and outside pool. two living rooms , a finished basement with a kitchen in there. " she said as we walked around the house i was honestly in love.

" how much ?" i aksed stopping and looking at her.
" well it's usually going for 400'000, but i think we can get a deal and bring it down since it's so old and no one has put in any requests for it" she said looking at her books. i nodded my head

" can i pay now ?" i asked looking at her then at jazmyn

" umm sure why not " she went to the kitchen , i followed behind her

" you can just sign here and we'll contact the bank and get everything situated and you'll be able to move in by the end of the week " she said as i signed my name on the lease

" great well i'll see you guys tomorrow then " she said as we all walked out the house and to our cars.

i got in and took jazmyn back to her house and went to mine. i got home and  and got in the shower and went straight to bed. tomorrow was gonna be a long day

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