Hiccup to the Rescue

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Hiccup Haddock III and Toothless were flying through the air without any of the dragon riders. He was looking for any sign of the dragon hunters. But again their didn't seem to be anyone. The sun was starting to rise in the sky. Hiccup looked down and his friend and Toothless gave him a slight smile.

"Looks like another uneventful day. We'll head back to the edge as soon as we find you something to eat."

They flew a little further along, the sun continuing to rise. Soon an island could be seen in the distance. "Well that looks like as good a place as any."

Toothless flew towards the island but stopped once he noticed something in the distance causing Hiccup to fall off. He spread out his wings and Toothless dived to catch him. Hiccup held on tight as Toothless flew back up. "Thanks buddy." Hiccup looked to see what had made Toothless stop and he saw it at once. Bonenappers were surrounding something, he leaned further and saw that it was a Razzorwhip with a rider on it's back. He only knew one rider that rode that type of dragon. "Heather!" he cried and headed towards the two.

As they flew all the dragons shot fire at each other and caused an explosion in the air. Toothless flew faster without warning causing Hiccup to hold onto the saddle. Then another Bonenapper flew towards them and hit both the rider and the dragon and the two fell out of the sky and hit the ground. The dragons headed towards them ready to finish the two off.

"Hey!" Hiccup yelled at them, "Leave them alone!"

The Bonenappers turned and charged at them. Toothless opened his mouth and shot a plasma blast at the leader causing him to be inured and fall to the ground. The other Bonenappers flew down after him to save him from the fall. With the Bonenappers distracted the two flew down to where the razzorwhip and rider had fallen. When Toothless landed on the ground the razzorwhip turned ready to fight them. Hiccup noticed that this dragon was not Windshear but the dragon was still guarding the rider. He held out his hand waiting for the dragon to sniff it which after a moment the dragon did but slowly and still unsure, once he was satisfied with what was going on he and let down his guard. and moved over to let Hiccup see his rider.

Hiccup ran over and dropped down to the ground. The rider was a girl about a year older than him. Her hair was badly cut and she was out cold and bleeding. He looked at the Razzorwhip to see if it was okay. As if the dragon knew his question he lifted up his wings and flew to the air, however his flying was off and he soon hit a tree and fell down. "Okay don't hurt yourself." he told it.

He walked over to Toothless and looked for something to help it's wing so that the dragon could fly. He found some oil that could help with the pain and pulled it out and opened it. He walked over to the dragon and started towards him but stopped once the Dragon roared. "It's alright, this is just going to help with the pain so that you can fly." The Razzorwhip let out a small moan but held out his injured wing. Hiccup put his hand in the jar and covered the join with the yellow oze. He the appled it to the rest of the wing and the jar was soon emptied. He threw it into the bag and grabbed the girl and put her over Toothless and mounted. "Follow me okay."

Toothless took off and the razzorwhip followed them. Hiccup put his hand on the girl making sure that she was steady but looked around for the Bonenappers which seemed to be gone. "Let's go home." he told Toothless.

At the edge Astrid was starting to get worried about Hiccup and was pacing around the meeting hut. Fishlegs walked into the hut she turned thinking it was Hiccup, her face full of excitement the all the happiness went out of her when she saw it was Fishlegs. "I'm sure Hiccup is fine Astrid." he said but even he sounded unsure.

"If he was fine he would have been back by now, we should be out their looking for him?"

Just then Snoutlout ran out of the hut looking out of breath. "Hiccup's back." He said as he gulped for air.

Astrid ran past him and knocked him out of the way and was followed by Fishlegs. She headed towards the arena  and saw Hiccup dismounting Toothless holding someone in his arms. Next to Toothless was a Razzorwhip. "Hiccup what's going on?" She asked.

"I'll explain all later but she needs help she's lost a lot of blood." Now that Hiccup had said that she did look pale.

"My hut's the closest." Astrid replied. "There should be a way to keep her stable while I go to get Goathy." She let out a low whistle and Stormfly flew over and landed next to her. She quickly mounted and took off.

Hiccup turned towards Fishlegs. "This Razzorwhip's wing is badly hurt do you think you could set it back into place?"

"I can try Hiccup but I'm not sure if I'll be able to." he replied slowly.

He nodded and took off towards Astrid's hut praying to the gods that this girl would make it. "Hold on, help is on the way. Everything will be okay."

The Dragon Girl: A How to Train Your Dragon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now