Danger at Night

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Erica shifted in her seat to get a better look at the island. Even though it was dark she could still make out the features of the island. She could see what Hiccup had described and she also noticed that there was a sharp cliff on the island. Though the forest covered most of it up it was possible that there could be a trail for her to follow and perhaps even a cave or even a cave and no path which would explain why they couldn't find anyone.

"Follow me." She said after she figured out the best path to get to that cliff.

Without looking back she leaned forward as Silver went into a dive. She heard Hookfang's wings right behind them knowing that they were following them. She crossed across the ocean and sand and was heading towards the the trees. As soon as she was over the trees she heard a scream from Snoutlout.

Turning she saw that a Death Griper had attacked them but for some reason not her. So that's what drove off the Hunters. She thought grimly. She then pulled out her bow and aimed an arrow at the dragon and let go. It missed but it got its attention and turned her gaze on her and charged.


He quickly flew out of the way and into the sky. But this dragon wasn't giving up that easily it charged again. Silver moved towards the ground but this time the Death Griper knew what would happened and suddenly changed directions and hit them causing Erica to fall off.

Suddenly a hand was grabbing hers. She looked up Snoutlout had caught her her hand. He quickly pulled her up. "I really wish that I had chosen to not go." He said.

"Help Silver!" She ordered, she reached for her arrows but there were none left they had all fallen out as she hand fell.

She held on as best she could to not fall off as Hookfang charged towards the dragon. The dragon shot fire at the Death Griper. It rolled out of the way allowing Silver to move away. Taking the chance Erica jumped off and towards him. She managed to get a holed of part of the saddle causing him to tilt sideways a bit as she got on.

She looked up and noticed that Hookfang and Snoutlout were keeping the dragon at bey while she had been getting on. She thought she had been sneaky about it but apparently not. She cast a glance to the forest wondering if they would be able to get to safety or if more Death Gripers would meet them with the same force. She didn't have long to think about it as Silver suddenly rolled out of the way of a shot of fire. When she came up she saw Snoutlout trying to fight it off but then he lost his axe.

The mission or safety of the group, that was the choice she had to make now. She had a bow and no arrows and he had no axe. If they didn't leave now they would most likely not make it. "Snoutlout!" She shouted as she moved out of the way of another blast.


"We need to go. This is too dangerous."

"We Jorgensons never quit!" And with that he charged past the Death Griper and into the forest.

"He's going to get himself killed." And with that Silver charged after him.

Hiccup was feeling more nervous than he usually was when his father was coming over to visit. He didn't know why after all his father wouldn't care to much if the who group was here as long as Hiccup was here but maybe it was something else besides nervous of his father that made him more jumpy and lost in thought than normal. Yet he couldn't figure out why he would be so nervous about what was going on.

He saw  as he looked up a boat was heading towards the island. "I'll be back Toothless." He headed towards the coastline and was surprised to see not only his father but also all of his friends parents as well. Including, he felt his heart sink a little, Snoutlout's father. He made his way to the docks and waited for them to arrive at shore. When they had arrived there was already an argument brewing between Astrid's parents and Snoutlout's father.

He let out a sigh knowing this was going to be a long night. He headed towards his father knowing that if he talked to him first there might be less chance of a fight. "I thought it was only going to be you."

"Yes well when they saw that I was leaving they decided that they wanted to come with and meet their children that they haven't seen in quite sometime."

"Yeah where is Snoutlout?"

"Oh he's... busy with something important. I'm sure he'll be here soon. The other's are in the mess hall right now so why don't we head their, right now."

His father frowned at this but Hiccup didn't seem to pay much attention to is as they headed towards the mess hall. While they headed towards the mess hall there was not much that they were able to accomplish and it seemed like they didn't have enough food to go around.

"Mom? Dad?" Astrid said looking up in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"We decided to come visit you."

"How long will it be when Snoutlout comes back?"

"It could be a while." Tuffnut replied, "He went off to explore an island that we're planing on attacking. Probably going to take all of dinner."

"Why would he be gone when the chief of the village is coming to visit?"

"Because we don't know what dangers this island that we're heading to may hold at night so he went and looked."


"Not exactly he with this girl we found named Ericka whose idea was to go now. I didn't think this would be a big deal."

"Where is this island?"

Hiccup pointed on the map showing where it was they were at. "That's not good. That Island is filled with Death Grippers son."

"Death Grippers!" Astrid and everyone had a look of terror on their faces.

"We need to go after them."

Quickly making there way they headed out towards the dragons. Mounting they took off into the night sky.

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