The Edge

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Hiccup waited in Astrids hut next to the girl. Goathy had done all that she could to help the girl but it was in the gods hands now. Astrid entered the hut. "Hiccup why don't you let me watch over her. You should go and train with the others."

"You'll tell me if she wakes up?"

"Of course I will Hiccup."

"Okay, I guess I could do with a flight." He got up, hugged Astrid and exited the hut.

Astrid smiled and sat down at her chair and began to sharpen her ax. She didn't know when or if the girl would wake up but she figured that she probably wouldn't today. She continued to sharpen her ax. Out of the corner of her eye she saw something coming towards her and moved out of the way and the sheila hit the chair, her shield that was next to her bed. She glanced to the bed. The girl was awake and up.

"I won't let you kill me that easy." She said feeressly.

"Kill you?" Astrid asked as she moved to avoid the girls arm. "I'm not going to kill you."

"You going to take me to someone to kill me then? Or are you going to posion me with food and drink?"


"You taking me back then." The girl made a grab for her ax which Astrid pulled it out of her reach.

"No we're not taking you back."

"I'm already back then?" Fear filled her face. "What have you done to Silver?"

"Your dragon?"

"He's not my dragon he's..." the girl stopped trying to take the ax as if something had hit her. "You're not one of Ryker's men are you?"

"No I'm not. I'm trying to stop him actually." She smiled and put her ax down. "I'm Astrid by the way."

"Erica Linder."

"Come on I'll take you to Hiccup." She said and opened the door and Erica followed her.

Erica followed the girl with the long blond and braided hair. While Astrid has said that they weren't Ryker's men and she believed her. Any of his men would have known that Silver wasn't hers and that it was her brothers and Astrid thought that he was. However that still didn't explain where he was. She also tried to remember the last thing that happened to them. There was a group of Bonenappers that she had encountered and they attacked and hit Silver and she remembered falling to the ground then she woke up in a strange bed with Astrid sharpening her ax.

"Erica?" Astrid asked her face looking concerned. "You okay?"

"What happened? How did I get here and what is this place ? Where is the Razorwhip I had with me?"

"I don't know what happened I wasn't there but Hiccup was he wanted to make sure that you were okay. I finally had to convince him to leave you and go train by me watching you."

At least this Hiccup person sounded like he was a good person, she thought.

"As for where your dragon, Silver you called him? Well I don't know where he is." She seemed to noticed that Erica seemed a little bit upset as she tried to add a bit of cheer to her voice. "But we call this place the Edge. We needed a place to explore the world but we couldn't keep coming back from Burk ever single time."

"The Edge, It has a great name to it."

Astrid smiled and continued to make her way over to what looked like an arena. There were two boys on dragons. The smaller beefier fellow was on a monstrous nightmare, while the slimmer but taller of the two was riding a night furry. They seemed to be competing against each other. The night furry and rider managed to get to the target first and destroyed it with a plasma blast.

The rider let out a cheer and the other one seemed to be annoyed but both flew down and landed. "You cheated Hiccup." the one getting off the monstrous nightmare stated.

"Oh yeah just like I cheated the last time we did that?" The one that happened to be Hiccup replied in an annoyed tone.

"Yes." The other one said in an annoyed tone.

"You guys done?" Astrid asked them.

Hiccup looked up and spotted the two of them. The other rider ran strait towards them but not towards Astrid but Erica.

"And who might this fair maiden be?" he asked her in a sweet tone.

"Erica," She replied in a slightly annoyed tone. "an you are?"

"Snotlout. And might I say that your name is-"

"Nice to see you're okay Erica. I'm Hiccup Haddock the third."

"Nice to meet you Hiccup. Is that a night furry?"

"Yep his name is Toothless."

"Hiccup why don't you show Erica around. I'll help clean up here along with Snotlout."

"But I want to go with them."

"No Snotlout you're staying here."

Hiccup walked off and Ericka followed. Toothless was close behind them.  "How did you manage to bring me here? The last thing I remember was me and Silver fallen after the Bonenappers ambushed us."

"I happened to be flying by at the time when I saw your fight and I flew over I saw you fall and toothless shot a plasma blast at them and they flew away. We landed to where you fell. You were past out and Silver, I'm assuming that's the Razorwhip's name, was baddy hurt. I put you on Toothless and made sure that you didn't fall and made sure that he was able to follow. Astrid went for our healer and I asked Fishlegs to help with your dragon."

"How is Silver." She said hoping that her sadness didn't show.

"His wing is better and he's eating but he's not happy he's roaring a lot and he's been setting a lot of fires. He's okay when he's sleeping but he could become a danger. Maybe seeing you would help?"

"I hope so." She looked away so that he wouldn't see her almost in tears.

"I understand your worry for your dragon." Hiccup said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"It's not just that!" She exclaimed pushing off his arm. "He's the only one I have left now." She fell to the ground and began to cry.

The Dragon Girl: A How to Train Your Dragon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now