Wallowing in Sadness

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"I'm sorry about your family. If I could undo what they've done to other people I would. I just wished I had heard about them sooner. Then maybe I could have stopped this." Hiccup told her as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"I've been around before you've even been with Toothless. What could you have done then?"

"Nothing, back then I was nothing more than a scared boy who was just making weapons and was afraid to speak his mind."

"Nothing can change the past no matter how hard we wish we could."

"Yeah, no matter how much I want to know my mother I can't change the fact that she's gone now."

"But you have your father and others who care about you and I have Silver. So we're not truly alone."

Hiccup nodded. It was odd to Erica, she hadn't expected to find someone that understood her pain, yet here was Hiccup who had also lost a member of his family and had felt the same thing she was feeling right now.

A shadow came across the sky and she looked up and saw to her surprise Silver flying through the sky. "I thought you said he was in the stables?"

"He was."

Hiccup hurried and jumped on Toothless. She quickly followed and hopped on and held onto Hiccup. Toothless took off. She looked at the side and her hair whipped across her face. She brushed it out of the way. She looked to see if she could jump onto to Silver without getting hurt. She squinted at something, it looked like someone was trying to ride him.

"Someone's been trying to ride Silver."

"You're right Erica, I don't see anyone holding on so they must have fallen off . Wonder who it was. Probably not Astrid or Fishlegs."

"Do you think you can get me close?"

"I can but being safely close for you to jump on is going to be hard. But I think I can manage it."

Erica nodded and held on with one hand and they flew in closer. She gripped tighter as Hiccup leaned down when toothless did. She waited they were above Silver now, then they were directly next to him. She got up and waited until she maintained her balance. She jumped and grabbed on to the saddle. Her grip loosened but she quickly grabbed it with the other hand and pulled herself up.

Silver went up and then went back down but she held on tight. Toothless and Hiccup were right beside her. "Silver it's me Erica, I'm a friend of Birger, I'm his sister."

Silver stopped fighting her and calmed down until he saw Hiccup and Toothless. He turned around and looked ready to fight. "Silver no! Their our friends. They helped us from the bonenappers."

Silver nodded and flew down and landed. Toothless and Hiccup were next to him. Erica got off and gave him a pat to make sure that he was calmed down. Hiccup stood behind her not wanting to get too close and to let them bond.

"You know..." He said after a while, "we could use a rider like you on our side."

"You're kind Hiccup Hadock but I don't want a life of adventure. I just want a life of piece and quiet."

"How long to you plan on staying with us then?"

"I'm not sure but at least until I'm back at strength. Silver seems to be fine at least."

"Well if you're going to stay how about we head over to the main hut? It should be dinner time."

Silver let out a gentle growl that Erica couldn't help but laugh. "I think Silver is hungry too?"

"We'll have food for him too." he smiled. "Come on then I'll race you."


They both got on their dragons and took off. She kept close behind him as she didn't know her way. She saw the building that they were heading towards and then urged Silver to go faster. He spun and then took off passing the two and going into a dive and then landing on the ground next to the hut. Toothless landed next to Silver and Hiccup let out a laugh.

"That was cleaver you made me think you couldn't pass me and then did."

"Part of the reason I did that was because I didn't know where I was going. I'm new here remember."

"Right I'm so use to racing everyone who knows this place. Sorry."

"Don't be, I won didn't I?"

"That's true."

"Hey! You Two Coming In Here or What?" Someone with blond hair shouted at them.

"Okay Ruffnut." Hiccup replied and headed inside and Erica followed him.

To her surprise everyone was already eating. Hiccup went and grabbed some food. She looked around and choose to get some of everyting. Potatos, Fish, and chicken. She took a bite and a smile broke out. "This is good." she said. Then she noticed that's when everyone but Hiccup and Astrid were staring at her. "What?"

"What's with your hair?" a man that looked like the girl asked her. "Why's it cut all funny?"

"And who are you anyway?" the girl added.

"My name," she said putting down her food, "Is Erica Linder, I was a prisoner to the dragon hunters. I tried to escape multiple times after my family's village was destroyed but I kept getting caught and every time I did Ryker cut my hair making it uneven. But then a few weeks ago my brother was captured by the hunters. Ryker made sure I knew about it so that I wouldn't try to escape but little did I know that I would escape and break us out. He had Silver and wanted to free him. When we made his escape the hunters found out and tried to stop us. My brother sacrificed himself to let me and silver escape. After we got away Hiccup found us in a fight and saved us then brought us here."

"If you use to be a prisoner then you could help us find where he is." Snotlout stated.

"I don't know where he is and I'm not going to help you. I've had enough of that ship for a life time."

"What about bases?"

"I only know of one and it was the one where you tried to free the girl with the female Razerwhip but since then they have abandon it. I'm sorry I can't be of any use to you."

"That's it?" the female twin asked. "You're prity useless as an exslave."

"Nock it off." Hiccup told them. "Look Erica is our guest and you can't talk this way about her. Understand?"

"Yes.." The three of them said.

"Erica how is Silver doing? I noticed that you flew him here." A big person with brown hair asked her.

"He's doing good. What is your name?"


"So you're the one who helped heal him. Thank you Fishlegs."

"No problem."

"If you don't mind I'd like to eat out side." she said and headed out with her food.

Hiccup shook his head after she was going and continued to eat. He wished there was a way to make her feel more at home but he had no idea how. When coming up with ideas to help people with his creations he could do that but helping other people he didn't have much of an idea. Unless it was having her antiquated with the team to make her feel more at ease but even then that might not work. He ate in silence not paying much attention to what the others were talking about.

Erica tossed the fish to Silver who ate it in one gulp and started to eat the chicken as well. She didn't mind and continued to eat the potatos. once she was done she gave Silver a pat on the back. "It's nice to be with you Silver." She told him.

The Dragon Girl: A How to Train Your Dragon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now