Chapter 12: My One Gift

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Levi's POV

I'm never the kind of person to overreact or get so afraid about gifts. With Hanji, it was completely different. When I thought I had everything down for her... everything seemed to crumble. Constantly, I had fix the vase of iris flowers that was in the kitchen. I didn't have classes today, yet Hanji did. She did want to be a scientist... and that meant more time in the classroom for her.

"I'm home!" Her shrilly voice woke me from that trance. She giggles and she stops in her tracks as she saw me. "Levi? Are those..."

"Y-Yeah..." I started to mess with my shirt, feeling the collar was too tight around my neck. My heart began to race heavily as I tried to speak to her. "You like them? Those iris flowers were on sale... and so was the vase. Had to ensure the colors matched, Hanji..."

She chuckles softly, walking towards me with a smile on her face. A kiss was pecked on my lips, and my hands reached around her waist. I looked up at her into her beautiful caramel eyes. "Thank you, Levi... I love it..." She then turns around, picking up one of the already-wilting flowers. She quickly clipped off the long stem and held the shorter end. "You didn't have to do this..."

"I had to..." I say quietly, kissing her again. "Anyways... you got homework tonight?"

"I can put it off for later. They're not due until... next week. I can get them done in a day. I'm assuming you have something planned for tonight? Or were you planning an idea, waiting on my answer before making a decision? I'm estimating... the second idea."

I smiled and chuckled. This was my one and only Hanji Zoe. "Yeah... I was thinking we can go out to that one restaurant you liked. I'll start a reservation now."

"Go and do that- I'm gonna change into some better clothes."

My thumb was already typing down the restaurant's phone number as I chuckled. "Finally someone is thinking better about it all, four-eyes. Need a medal to prove your achievement?"

"Shorty, shut up!"

"Kidding, Hanji. I'm just kidding."

She scoffs with a hint of humor, and walked back into her room. "I'll be done in... a... few minutes. Got it?"

"Got it."

*   *   *

The flowers went as planned... though I was still nervous. We've been together for almost 9 months, and things were moving faster than I expected. Most relationships takes about 9 months to get things all settled in. Unfortunately, it took us less than a week to get things working. I've tried my best to slow it all down, but when I did...  everything seemed to move quickly. It was like time rushed us to be together. The last thing on our mind was marriage and children.

She was rounding around her last year of college, and so would I. Already, she was looking for an university for science so she can continue to major in it. I wasn't planning on anything else... so I would just follow where she would go. I would do anything for her...

"You're nervous tonight, Levi..." She chuckles softly, forcing me to turn my attention to Hanji. "Don't tell me you're proposing-".

"I wouldn't go that far at this point in our relationship, Hanji. It's just... you're gonna be done with college soon... and I'm just thinking ahead."


I chuckled softly, "Bet you've got most of that already planned out, huh?"

Obviously, she nodded her head. Of course. Why would I even question it? "Yeah... I've already submitted my applications to the Institution of Discovery. Just a few more weeks until I get a confirmation..."

"If you're accepted... we're moving there?"

The way she looked at me was quite... surprising... "You don't have to come with me, Levi. Don't feel obligated to come with me if you're not wanting to-".

"Of course I'll be by your side, Hanji." I smiled and kissed her cheek. "I won't ever leave you, okay? I'm loyal to you and you only. I wouldn't mind sharing another apartment with you when it's close to the institution."

She chuckles softly, taking my hand. "Thanks... I didn't expect you to be... this loyal. You're like... dropping everything for my sake..."

"Why wouldn't I?"


Maybe... I really didn't need to give a gift for Hanji. Maybe I've just been overreacting. All I've needed was having Hanji by my side. All I needed was her. Just anything to keep her smiling. Like a wish I've always needed to grant. I had to make her happy... anything for her, because that's my one and only gift to her. No need flowers or special dates. I'm her gift to her.

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