Chapter 14: Bond

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Levi's POV

"Can I please go to work?"



"As long as I walk you there."

"I'm not a child..."

But she was carrying my child in her. What doesn't give me the right to be worried for her. Knowing her... she would do a lot of crazy things without her knowing it. Sometimes, it may even get her in trouble physically. I have to worry for her... I'm just afraid of something bad happening to the both of them. Hanji's pleas were as good as ever... so I gave into it.

*   *   *

"You're overprotective of me, Levi Ackerman..." She said softly as she kissed me. "Don't worry about me too much, okay? I'll be fine here... it's just classes here."

"I know... I know..." My grip tightened on her hand, and I didn't want to let her go. "I'll try not to go overboard. Just... nothing too crazy today- or any day. I know you said you wanted to keep the baby, but I can't help but worry about you."

"Understandable. Hopefully your maternal instincts come soon- you're known to blow up in everyone's faces."

Her face was unbelievable. How her eyes pulled back in surprise and her hand on her heart. "Come on... I don't do that... do I?" As my response, I nodded my head. "Sorry, but I'll try my best to not do that again. Best for the baby... in 9 months or so."

I rolled my eyes and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll pick you up once you're done with classes. Right now, I'm gonna go shopping for more food and stuff like that. We need to sate your craving desires."

"Ugh... fine... and I'm sorry I've been craving for olives! And chips... really sorry."

I waved my hand, scoffing softly. "Hanji, it's normal. Most pregnant women are always having a craving of something. It's just normal... anyways, be safe."

"I will..."

*   *   *

I wasn't lying to her. I was going to buy some groceries. Just... added in something else. I went to the mall and immediately went to a jewelry store. I had to have the perfect ring for her. I spent over an hour looking until I finally came up with the perfect one. The ring itself was twisted in such a delicate way- made up with both silver and gold. The diamond itself was in shape of tear- almost glinting like a moon drop. 

The price didn't matter to me, because Hanji would value it much more. The ring laid gently in the dark blue velvet box. I tucked it gently in my jacket pocket, and resumed to shopping for groceries. 

The only thing that was left on my mind is the time to propose to her. It's best if we both married to each other before the baby arrives. Less messier and more time. And besides, it's better if her baby bump wasn't showing yet. If I miss my chance, it wouldn't look... nice. But yeah... everything had to be... precise and right.

*   *   *

"How was class, Hanji?" I asked her as I pecked a kiss on her cheek.

"Ah, it was fine."

Behind her, a taller man with blonde hair and blue eyes. He placed his hand on her shoulder, and I immediately growled at him. "This is your boyfriend, Hanji?"


"Eyebrows..." I growled and scowled, pulling Hanji close to me. "Get your hand off of her."

Hanji chuckled softly, holding my hand tightly. "Sorry, Levi's a bit overprotective at the moment. Levi, this is one of my friends: Erwin Smith. Erwin, this is my boyfriend: Levi." She then leaned over to me, kissing my cheek and whispering quietly. "Hey, calm down... he's just a friend of mine. There's nothing going on between us two."

I rolled my eyes and slowly cooled down. "Fine... hello, Eyebrows."

"Hey... nicknames..." Erwin waved his little finger in my face, and I stepped away from him. "He's... different than what I expected, Hanji. The way you described him was... much... taller?"

"Are you judging my height?"


"I-". Hanji forced me to hold back as she firmly gripped my hand. Listening to her, I took a deep breath and sighed. "Nice to meet you, Eyebrows. This is my way of actually interacting with others. I'm like this to practically everyone. Don't feel overwhelmed."

Erwin nods his head, and smiled to my Hanji. "When will you start your teaching at other institutions, Hanji?"

Institutions? Teaching? Her? I looked over to see her reaction, yet she only stared at Erwin to keep his mouth shut. But I knew- she was hiding it all from me. "Hanji... you were offered to teach at science institutions?"

"We'll talk later, Levi... and Erwin- I'm not gonna start teaching it. That part I've already made up. There's no backing out of it. I've chosen what I've chosen. Nothing else."

*   *   *

The ring in its box weighed heavily on my heart as I wanted to feel it near me. I would be so afraid if she found it on accident. But the topic of her teaching was still on my mind. Why did she hide it from me? Was I... untrustworthy? But she did say she wasn't accepting it... so she wasn't telling me because she already made a decision? Or was it something else...? Like... the baby.

"Levi, I can explain about the teaching thing." She says with hurried words flowing out of her precious mouth. "I wasn't accepting it-"

"Was it because of our baby? Tell me the truth."

She sighed and shook her head. "No... it wasn't. I was just afraid of teaching because... I feel I'm not talented enough. Once we're done with this current institution... then I can think of my own projects before thinking of teaching science to others. This baby has no place of swaying my mind like that. It's all from my heart."

I smiled gently, kissing her cheek. "Good... else I would've raged a bit about it all. I feared that our baby was the problem."

"It was never the problem." Hanji says, kissing me more and more. "The baby was something we made- and like science... I will always respect it. Don't worry about me..." She says gently. "Because I can handle myself and the baby. And you... I know you would always watch me- so don't over-do yourself, Levi. Okay?"

I sighed softly and nodded my head very gingerly. "Okay..."

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