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"(y/n), when will you confess to him?" Sakura asked. Ino nodded her head wildly in agreement and Hinata just smiled.

You sighed at the girl's question, they will never stop asking aren't they?

"The thing is, I don't think that he likes me back okay? I'm afraid of getting rejected by him. It will ruin our friendship," You sighed again for the hundredth time. Eyes gazing downwards.

"Don't tell me you're willing to be his friend for the rest of your life with no romantic feeling in between," Ino slightly glared at your cowardly self and you can't help but feel small.

You stared at your feet and played with your fingers to decrease the nervousness. Damn the girls and their questions.

Hinata saw how much you tried to run from the conversation. She pitied your uncomfortable self and tried to change the topic.

"L-look the ramen is getting colder, why don't we eat first?" Hinata suggested, you mouthed a 'thanks' at her.

"Look, you know that Naruto is getting more popular these days right? Aren't you afraid that some other girls from the other village will steal him from you?" Sakura continued, ignoring the Hyuga's suggestion.

"I-i," you stuttered. Hating the way your mind wanders about him dating another girl.

Sakura and Ino sighed in sync. You can feel a bead of sweats formed on your forehead.

"(Y/n), if you could open your eyes a little bit wider, i'm sure you can see that he likes you back and even loves you." Sakura wiped her face out of frustration.



"I think you guys have misunderstood, he just cares for me as a friend," You said while waving a no at them. It hurts to even speak the word 'friend'.

"Oh, just wait and see," Ino replied, her lips twitched into what you saw as a smirk while looking at your back.

As if on cue, a familiar honey dripped voice was heard behind your back, you were sure that it was him. Naruto Uzumaki. The blind guess was confirmed when you saw the way Sakura and Ino smiled at you teasingly.

"Sakura-chan! Oh, Ino and Hinata too!" He greeted, not recognising you yet since your back was facing him. Moreover, you're currently wearing a thick padded coat to shield yourself from the cold winter, making it difficult to even recognise you from behind.

"(y/n)~~~" He greeted you childishly while hugging you from the back, making your face as red as a tomato.

Sakura faced you while giving a 'oh he cares for you as a friend only?' look and you shrugged.

"Can I join you guys? Shikamaru and Choji want to eat hamburgers but I want to eat ramen. Thank god I found you guys so I don't have to eat alone," He said. His arms loosen a bit, breaking off the hug and scratching the back of his head.

"Actually..." Ino trailed off while smiling teasingly at you.

Your eyes widened in fear as you already knew their next move. You could feel your stomach twisted from the emotions. Before you could say anything, Sakura spoke up.

"Actually we have finished eating, right?" Sakura said while glancing at Ino. Hinata slightly nodded when she finally understood them. Her lavender eyes filled with an apologetic look.

"Oh..." Naruto pouted. Now he had to eat alone.

"But (y/n) don't seem to finish eating yet so you could eat with her," Ino suggested while giving you a 'you go girl' look.

Head Over Heels For The Jinchuriki (Naruto X Reader) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now