Chapter 1

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In Mumbai!
In a big mansion in dark room a boy was sleeping.. the boy was sleeping shirtless.. ... the only light was coming from was the sunlight... sunlight landed on his face disturbing his sleep.. he only dies for sleep and foodie.. if he doesn't get these two then don't know what will happen..

The sun rays become more brighter making him groan and digging his face into pillow.. after few minutes later sun didn't gave up making up the monster.. he finally woke up and glared Sun disturbing his sleep.. sun got scared and decreasing bright..

He took his shirt which was lying on the floor and wrapped it around his neck and moved to washroom..

An Hour later he came out from washroom while water dripping over his well toned bare chest... he was only in his towel and with another towel he was wiping his hair.. he stood front towel and looked himself and smirked.. he then moved to his Closet and took pair of clothes for today..

He quickly wore it and moved back to mirror to gel his hair..

He moved to his bedside when his eye fell on big photo frame front his bed which was hanging above his bed.. he got on bed and kissed the head girl in the photo and muttered himself..

Boy : miss you baby?

He smiled seeing her smile and got down and went down taking his bag.. as he reached dinning room he saw his friends already sitting down.. he moved to them and pulled his chair and sat down beside boy who was digging his face in the food... he gave disbelief look to others...

Boy : good morning guys!

Girl 1 : good morning Manik!

Manik smiled and looked at other side of his chair and saw tom boy was smiling looking at him and gesturing him to do something...

Manik shifted his chair to her side and turned her plate side and filled her plate with food.. he starts feeding her.. while she did Same.. others smiled seeing him expect one boy who was busy feeding his own stomach..

Manik : my baby you didn't you Starts eating your breakfast?

He asked giving her another bite..

Girl : bhai I was waiting for you.. you know I don't feel like having food without your hands..

Manik was going to say something when another girl spoke.

Girl : Manik leave it na! You know how mukti is.. she missed you all
This week..

Manik : Aliya I know! Even I missed my baby but that doesn't mean to skip food..

Hearing food the boy was eating stopped and looking at Manik and spoke making others glare at him..

Boy : why to worry when cabir is here? Manik I didn't wasted food..

Manik turned to cabin and smacked his head Making him ouch sound..

Manik : shut up idiot! I have responsible to look after my sister in my absence but you didn't!

Cabir : i did na! You can ask them!

Mukti : bhai don't listen to cabir...cabir was only fighting with me... I hate him...

Cabir: mukti you broke my heart? I loved you but you broke it!

Manik : shut up cabir! Anyway guys mom and dad will be coming next week..

Mukti side hugged Manik hearing about their neyonika and raj coming. Manik kissed her forehead..

Manik : now finish your breakfast then we will leave for college.

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