Chapter 7

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In Mumbai it was bright sunny day.. sun was peeping through Manik room but his room was filled with darkness... his room Curtains were changed into Blacks.

Manik sleeping middle of bed with his one hand dangling on the floor while other one near his waist... his legs were crossed other side.. his sleeping position wasn't correct but he slept like that... sun may be brighter but his life wasn't..

He was sleeping but not in peacefully.. he kept turning his body.. he opened his eye and looked at the time showing 6 am.. he sighed and rested his head on headboard...

Manik ( mind) why you left me Nandini.? Didn't you tried finding your mani... was our love weak... you left me without meeting me...

He went to flashback hoe neyonika told him about Nandini who was actually his childhood friend, his love and mostly his nanni..


Three months passed since aliya proposed Manik and how Manik explained his love for Nandini to fab 5... in this three months navya also got to know about Manik's love.. in this three month who was able to notice when Nandini left the Mumbai or where she is... navya was trying Nandini Numeber but thought she might be in Mangalore but who knew what was reality...

It's was week before Manik birthday when neyonika walked inside Manik room and saw him turning his guitar on... Manik was so busy trying to turn his guitar he didn't realise neyonika presence until neyonika called his name.

Manik hearing neyonika voice kept his guitar aside and looked at him...

Manik : mom you here... why you standing there... come inside..

Neyonika comes inside and sat beside Manik.. as she sat down Manik notice album in her hand..

Manik : mom whose album is this? Far as I know this isn't mine or mukti..

Neyonika : it's not your or mukti but my princess...

Manik breath got stuck hearing my princess album... tears brimmed in his eye thinking it could be his nanni..

Manik : m... om... nanni...

Neyonika : I need to tell you something which I have hid from you... Manik I don't know how you will react but the Truth is ishita and Raman Bhai are no more....

Another shock was for Manik to register in his heart.. his second parents are no more.. he never got see them last time...

Manik was still daze thinking his memory with ishita and Raman when he left hand wiping his tears.. he looked up and saw neyonika willing his tears...

Manik : how... did this happen... mom... how you know this...

Neyonika : I'll answer every question of yours before that tell something...

Manik : what mom?

Neyonika : have you felt connected with Nandini... I mean...

Manik : mom what you saying?... I don't know but whenever she was near me I always thought I knew her from childhood but chucked thinking it's big possible... but mom how is Nandini connected to this.....

Neyonika : you know how I'll why I asked this question... Raman and ishita died in accident when your Nanni was there too with them... it was very horrible accident... Raman ishita and princess were coming back to Mumbai when a big truck cans front of them.... Raman Bhai car fell down to the cliff but fortunate Ishita pushed princess outside of the car... Raman and ishita died on that spot but princess being pushed for car her head got hurt to big rock... someone people came and found about that accident... there was car burnt.. then someone one saw Princess laying unconscious... they immediately called police and took princess to hospital... princess treatment was going when princess grandma came... doctor told princess is our danger but there is less chance of that she will remember everything... what Kishore ji was scared of came true... princess lost her memory... she only remembers her parents.... she use to get panic attacks when Kishore ji decided to keep her in mangalore... years passed on princess got her new identity.. her name was same,.. the family she was with was her chachu and chachi... she had cousin brother... she was happy with them... last year Kishore ji and princess came to Mumbai for princess education... princess was admission in our college....

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