Chapter 6

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Falling in love is beautiful things but when love doesn't stay for too long it can be heart break..

Manik left the collage and reached to his unknown place which no one visits expect him.. he entered inside the house and entered the password.. he went to straight up and opened one particular door and slummed down closing the doors... he leaned to the door and close his eye and remembered aliya confession then his promise which he gave to his childhood friend...

He opened his eye and looked straight picture of hers smiling... getting up he went near to the picture...

Manik : since childhood you love making me suffer... why nanni you doing this to your mani... you always told me not leave you but today you left me alone.... please come back to me.... I'll die without you...... nanni your mani can't give your place to anyone... only you rule my heart... please come back to me.... I really need you....

At the end he starts crying holding her cute baby picture... he was crying while remembering his childhood with his nanni...


5 years old boy and girl were playing on the beach.. while their parents were sitting distance away from them.. while their parents were busy in their own conversation whereas the girl was making sandcastle but it kept breaking down... seeing her attempt fail the boy laughed making her glare at him..

Girl : mani why are you laughing?

Mani composed himself and moved to her..

Mani : nanni should I help you...

Nanni : no I don't want you help... you laughed at me... you bad...

Mani smiled seeing his cute expression and pinched his throat taking a promise...

Mani : promise I won't laugh... let me help you...

Nanni : okay!

They both starts making sandcastle... almost hour they dusted their hands and looked At each other...

Nanni : its look so beautiful...

Manik smiled..

Nanni : mani will you build this house for me..

Mani : whatever my nanni says!

They both smiled at each other when nanni saw a couple sitting away from them... mani followed her gaze and saw her looking at couple who was side hugging and enjoying themselves..

Nanni turned to mani..

Nanni: mani we will be like this too.. right!

Mani pulled her cheeks..

Mani : off course.. how will I leave without you.. you are my life..

Nanni grinned and hugged him..

Nanni : and you are my life... I promise you too I will never leave you.. nanni promise to her mani..

Mani smiled and hugged her more tightly.. their parents from far watching them with smile on their faces..

Flashback ends!

Manik: you broke your promise nanni.. you left your mani alone... come back to me... I need you... I miss you every minute... see your mani fulfilled your wish... i made same castle for you.. like how wished to have... come back to me... was it easy for you to forget me...

He tranche broke as his phone rang... he kept the photo aside and took his phone out.. he looked at caller id and saw neyonika calling him.. he drank his tears back and picked up the call..

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