Chapter 2

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Nandini stood front a building and looked up to see city hospital... wiping her tears walked inside and went straight reception section.

Nandini : excuse me!

Receptionist tilted her head and saw Nandini..

Receptionist: yes ma'am how can I help you?

Nandini : could.... tell me... room.... number... for Kishore Murthy....

Receptionist nodding her heads and looks in her computer for patients list.. she found Kishore Murthy rooms number and looked at Nandini was still worried..

Receptionist: ma'am room 46..

Nandini : thank you!

Nandini rushed to room 46 and looked inside the room through glass window
And saw doctor still treating amms... she sat on the chair and prayed to her ayiappa for amms health..

Nandini held her folded her both hand and Starts praying..

Nandini ( mind) please ayiappa keep my amms safe.. I don't have anyone else expect amms.. you already have my appa and amma.. ayiappa keep
Amms safe... you know na I have never asked you about me but for me amms is very important... if any things happen to her then I'll never forgive myself...

She prayed while palming her face and crying when door opened.. she stood up and saw doctor coming out.

She rushed to doctor..

Nandini : how is she?

Doctor looked at her.

Doc: you?

Nandini : she is my grandma!

Doctor : she is fine.. it's was accident.. thankfully she was brought to hospital on time or there would have been serious injury.. she is completely fine.... she will have pain her head as her head banged on hard object.. just take care of her and give medicine on time..

Nandini : thank you doctor. Can I meet her...

Doc: yes you can but right now she is unconscious...

Nandini nodded and kept looking though glass window while doctor left insuring her about amms health..

While other side in collage navya was in second lesson... teacher was teaching about her mind was still on
Nandini.. she hasn't seen Nandini or any students have seen her..

Teacher saw her lost and called navya name out making her scared..

Navya : yes sir!

Teacher: if you can't concentrate then please leave the room..

Navya didn't mutter word but walked out the class and stood by her class and tried calling Nandini number.. navya was trying to call Nandini when fab5 was passing when they saw navya...

They all looked at each other and frowned thinking why she is outside of her class when she got text tomorrow.. Manik looked at cabir and asked through his eye if something happened between them.. cabir nodded no..

They all walked to navya and called her name.. navya turned and saw them..

Cabir and side hugged navya..

Cabir: navu why you here? You meant to be in lesson right now..

Navya didn't knew what say..

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