Chapter 5

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Friendships bond grew as the Month passed but also someone life was going to change soon... it been 6 months since Nandini and fab 5 visited malthore house... from that day many things changed... Manik have finished his college...he have been working in malthore industrials since 3 months... his friends are doing their job and following their dreams... mukti and Ailya have opened fashion designer show room while cabir and Dhruv are handling their fathers dreams.. while navya and Nandini still have another 1 and half year left to finish their course....

Feelings have been changed but whose..

It was bright sunny morning... sun was peeping through Nandini rooms... she was sleeping closing her curtains but sun still disturbed her sleep... Nandini woke up as sun wasn't lowing the bright down.. Nandini gave up and smiled seeing the picture front of her table which was her parents picture..

Nandini : good morning amma &. Appa... finally.....

She took deep breath and threw duvet over her and Starts moving her legs towards Washroom door.. she picked up the pink brush and toothpaste... she starts brushing while humming one of her favourite song which she is addicted since few months. While humming her favourite song she Finished brushing her teeth... she washed her mouth with clean water then went to have shower..,

While having she was still humming the same song...

Soon she out of the Washroom with towel wrapped around her hair and another towel around her waist... she went to her cupboard and pulled out one of her favourite top and jeans.. she quickly changed it and using dryer she dried her hair... she applied minimal make up on and kept her hair open..

She took her bag and phone and went down to see the entire house empty.. she sighed and went to kitchen to prepare breakfast... she quickly made one of her favourite and easy recipe.. while placing the food in a plate she dialled a number....

Taking her plate went to dinning table and sat down and starting when she heard someone speaking from other side..

Caller : hello!

Nandini : amms.. how are you? I miss you so much...

It been 2 months since amms is in mangalore due rishab health issue.. Nandini couldn't stay there as her exams are near.. she stayed in Mumbai..

Amms : I'm good kanna.. did you had your breakfast..

Nandini : I'm having it amms... how is rishab now?

Amms : he's feeling better now... he misses you very much... come back soon...

Nandini : after exam over I'll be there amms... amms I'm going college so I'll call you in evening..

Amms : take care...

Nandini : bye... love you!

She ended call and finished eating her breakfast... she quickly cleaning the kitchen and left for collage.....

While other side of Mumbai... Manik was still sleeping when neyonika came inside his room and saw still sleeping... she sighed seeing him sleeping like pig...

She moved to window and pulled her curtains allowing the sun... then she sat near Manik and ruffled his hair..

Neyonika : manu Wake up... today don't forget you have visit college...

Manik with his group need to perform a song as principle requested... in colleges no knows about this as it's surprise for them...

Hearing collage Manik opens his eye and smiled at neyonika...

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