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A girl was sleeping peacefully when her phone rang... disturbing her sleep... she stretched her hand and got hold of her phone... she opened her eye and turned off the alarm... she sat on bed and looked at phone wallpaper...

Girl : mani i miss you.... today it's important day for me... you will come...

Nandini kissed Photo Manik and went to fresh up not before wishing good morning to her mani and parents...

She came out while wiping her hair when her phone rang.. she kept the towel on couch and went to see her phone... before she could pick it up... her phone switched off... she sighed and saw her phone battery dead...

She quickly puts her phone on charging and went to her dressing table.... she dried heir hair and kept straight... she wore her formal dress today... today was her graduation in science... she mastered her science A star...

She got ready when her phone rang again... this time phone was near her so she quickly picked it up before it could end... she huffed before saying hello...

Nandini : hello mani....

Manik : hello nanni... how are you... nervous... don't be... you'll be fine... I know you did best...

Nandini : thank you mani... are you coming...

Manik is out of Mumbai since last three months... he had some meeting with his business client which meant to be outside of Mumbai... at first Manik didn't wanted to go but Nandini forced him to go....

Manik : I'm sorry Nanni... I really can't make it today... I'm very sorry...

Nandini : it's okay mani... I have to go now... bye... love you...

Manik : bye.. love you too...

Nandini Kept her phone back on charging and picked up some papers...

Nandini : I wish you could be mani... it's my first achievement....

Nandini sadly smiled then left the room taking her phone and papers which she collects while ago...

She rushed down to see navya and fab 4 sitting down while raj and neyonika was in their room... she walked to them...

Nandini : good morning guys...

Mukti : good morning Nandu...

Others wished her too when neyonika with raj came...

Neyonika: good morning princess...

Nandini smiles and hugged neyonika...

Nandini : good morning mom... dad...

Raj patted her head and hugged her too...

Raj : good luck.. you will do your best...

Nandini : thank you dad... mom I'll leave now...

Neyonika : not before you have your breakfast.. come on have some food.. I have noticed since Manik has been out, you don't take your meal time.. you know what will happen if Manu gets to know...

Nandini kept her head down as she know she is fault at this but being away from her mani food doesn't digest.....

Neyonika looked at Nandini who was looking down then she walked to Nandini and lifted her chin to see her face...

Neyonika : Nandini don't feel bad what I said... but remember last time what happened to you as you skipped your meal... I don't want to see you both suffering or fighting...

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