Chapter 4

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Neyonika went inside her cabin and saw Manik busy on his phone making her more furious...

She went next to him and stood there and shouted making his phone down.. Manik got scared and looked at neyonika who was glaring him..

Manik : mom... you scared me...

Neyonika crossed her both arms and looks at him..

Neyonika: can you explain what's happening here? Why aren't you in your class...

Manik got up and encircled his arms around neyonika...

Manik : mom..... sorry...

Neyonika : Manik why don't you understand?

Manik : sorry mom... it won't happen again...

Neyonika smiled...

Neyonika: last chance... okay... call your friends today at home...

Manik : any special today!

Neyonika: not really but it's been ages...

Manik nodded in his head and was about sit down but then something strikes in his head... he looked at neyonika who was busy reading file..

Manik : mom...

Neyonika looks up while flipping the page..

Neyonika: yes Manik...

Manik : mom can I call my new friend too... woh... she is Navya friend....

Neyonika looks at him when he mentioned about she...

Neyonika: she?

Manik : hmm! Can I call her.... I mean.....

Neyonika smiled seeing her own son being nervous...

Neyonika : you can call her...

Manik got happy and hugged neyonika and kissed her cheek and ran out of the cabin... neyonika smiled and took her phone and called someone....

Neyonika: I'm sending name... I need full information about this.. immediately... and make sure this should be between us...

She cuts call and thinks about something...

Later during day in collage everyone was sitting in canteen expect manan.. all were discussing about something when Manik comes there but his eye was looking for Nandini.. he took seat beside mukti...

Manik : guys I need to tell you all something...

Hearing Manik everyone attention went towards Manik..

Dhruv: what happened buddy?

Manik : actually when you left me to deal mom... she asked me to call you all at home today... for dinner...

Cabir : wow after so long we will get aunty yummy food... Manik I'm coming...

Manik smiled at him while mukti slapped his head... even Ailya, Dhruv and navya agreed...

At the same time Nandini comes holding a fat book in her hand... navya room boom from her... Nandini sat down and thanked navya..

Cabir : miss Nandini why you carrying book?

Nandini : need to revise for upcoming test...

Cabir : but aren't you going one week holiday...

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