Chapter 3

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New morning sun was brighter peeping straight into Manik rooms.. Manik face was digged inside the pillow.. you wouldn't see his face clearly.. he changed his position when sun landed on his face making him to hide his face in pillow again.

Hiding his face he slept again on his stomach when his room door opened revealing her lady holding a cup of coffee in her hand... she came inside and kept the coffee on the table and opened the curtains fully allowing the sun to come inside the room...

She looked up the picture above manik's bed and smiled seeing the picture..

Looking after the picture she sat on bed and ruffled Manik hair softly and called his name to wake him up..

Lady : manu.... manu.... wake up... see it's morning....

Hearing his mom voice he moved his head from pillow and hid it in his mother lap.. she smiled and caressed his hair...

Lady : manu wake up.. don't you want to go collage today....

Manik opened his eye bit and looked at her...

Manik : 5 minutes... please...

He laid back down again... she smiled.. right after 5 minutes later Manik opened his eye and made him himself comfortable lying in his mother lap...

Lady : good morning manu!

Manik smiled and got up.. he then kissed her cheek..

Manik : good morning mom!

Neyonika got up bed and brought cup of coffee front Manik.. she gave it to him..

Manik : thank you mom!

She smiled and ruffling his hair once more she left the room saying she needs to wake up mukti too.. Manik soon finished he coffee and looked above his bed..

Manik : when will I find you? Don't you want to come back to me...

He stood on his bed and kissed her cheek and went to fresh up...

In kitchen neyonika was making variety of food when raj comes there.. seeing her all alone he smirked and back hugged her Making her startled...

Neyonika : raj what is this?

Raj : what's wrong in this? I'm only romancing with my wife!

Neyonika : raj I need to make food.. leave me before Manik or mukti comes..

Raj didn't cared but tightened his hug when they heard cough sound... both turned and looked to see Manik standing there with smirk playing on his lips..

Neyonika blushed and turned back continuing making the food while raj didn't cared...

Raj : he comes spoiler of my romance... by the way where is your devil sister...

Manik was about answer when they heard mukti voice..

Mukti : who was missing me??

Raj rolled his eyes and moved out of the kitchen while siblings laughed seeing them...

Everyone was sitting on dinning table and serving themselves...

Manik was eating when raj looked at him..

Raj : Manik!

Manik stopped eating and looked at raj.

Manik : yes dad!

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