Chapter 4

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Chris POV

We walked in to a room full of technology that was beyond my understanding. I set my things down next to Melissa's and I watched as she sat down. She was tense and under a lot of pressure, you could tell.

Everyone was walking from different rooms setting things up. I silently slide by everyone and grab a seat next to Melissa. She stared straight ahead at the wall as she placed her phone from one hand and into the other. After a few minutes went by she checked it, but then when she saw no new notifications, she looked back at the wall. This happened about four times before I decided to ask if she was alright.

"Waiting on a call from your boyfriend?" I ask her with a short laugh trying to lighten the mood with a joke. She turned to me cold at first and then loosen up.

"Just checking the time. Why you always so nosy?" She asked with a slight laugh. Her expression though she tired to hide the fact showed her agitation.

"Just trying to get to know you." I shrugged, speaking the truth. "We are going to be together for a long time, so might as well get to know each other."

"2 months." She snapped pissed at me. I was shocked with her response. "Only 2 months." She was mad at something, and I hoped it wasn't me. After all I hadn't done anything yet.


I realized how harsh I had just sounded so I turned to back to Chris. He wasn't looking at me anymore. His hands were folded and stared at them obvious uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry. I haven't been undercover for about 7 years, so it's kinda getting me." I lied not wanting to tell him about my son. "Not only that, but the Smith's are the most dangerous mob family of the decade." He turned to me and showed me a soft smile.

"You're the best. You have nothing to worry about. It's me who will mess up if anything." I could see the worry in his eyes, even though he tried to hide it with a smirk on his face. I grabbed his hand which was now resting on his lap.

"Starting tomorrow we're a team." I showed a half smile, hoping this would help. He smiled a little wider but then moved his gaze to the ground.

There was silence for a couple minutes and I realized I was still holding his hand. I let go of it quickly and looked at the ground myself. I felt bad. It was his first operation and I was ditching him, making him uncomfortable, and being a beotch.

"So, you never told me why this case is so important to you." I said looking into his deep blueish/brown eyes. He closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah.... I didn't." He said sheepishly with a sigh of worry. "Well-"

"Alright you two. It's go time." Director said cutting him off. He quickly looked at the director in fear while my stared was fixed on him. I wondered what would make someone like him risk his life for this mission.

The director went through the rules and background that I had already known, so I zoned out, but Chris focused every single word he spoke. I was fascinated by his dedication. Maybe he isn't the guy I thought he was. When the director wrapped it up, started to tune back in.

"I know this case is hard on the both of you, but the two of you are the only ones for the job. Now these are your phones." He said giving us each one. "I do not except you not to use your personal, but I beg you. Be discrete." His brow was low and I knew he wanted the best for us, "That is all." He said turning to a monitor in a room next door. From our seats, you could still see him from the connecting room.

"That's it!" Chris shouts in anger.

"That's it, detective Wood. Now get to work." He answered him before continuing what he was doing. I stand up and look at Chris who was still in shock.

"Come on, let's go home." I say reaching out my hand to help him up. He looks up at me in confusion. "Seriously? Married couple remember?" He still looks at with no change in emotion, "Our house for the OP." And then it clicks. I shook my head in disbelief, this was going to be a long mission. He grabs my hand and reaches for the keys in my other hand.

"I'm driving." He says running to grab his bags.

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