Chapter 7

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We walk into the restaurant. I feel tense as I grow more scared and nervous. I try to stomach those feelings down, but they aren't going away easily. I clench my pursue and feel my body unable to relax.

Suddenly an arm wraps around my waist, and for some reason it makes my body relax, instantly. I look around to a smiling Chris who is watching my every movement. His touch calms me down and I feel more confident. He sets his lips against my right ear and I feel his breath. I try to hold in the chill of satisfaction that runs through my body every breath he takes.

"You're doing great. I'm right here." He whispers to me and gives me a soft kiss on my head right behind my ear. I couldn't quiet pinpoint how I felt. I was fluttered by the way my heart pounded in my chest and overwhelming excited the minutes he kissed me. 'Focus, Melissa.' I told myself trying to get back on task

I am so thankful he is here with me, though. Honestly, I don't know if I could handle this stress without him by my side. It was so comforting not to be alone.

We make our way to our seats and Chris acts like a prefect gentleman. I push my thoughts of him out of mind, I could think about that later.

"Mrs. Knight!" I hear a familiar voice yell from behind me. I turn quickly and see the now 12-year-old August running towards me. I stand instantly, excited to see him, and open my arms to embrace this boy who use to bring me so much joy.

"August, how are you? You've gotten so big!" I say placing him in front of me, so I could see the features he's taken up since he was a young boy. He was smiling very wide and couldn't stop giggling. He was the same way I had left him. His brown hair was a little longer, his eyes were still bright with joy, his smile still wide, and his laugh still soothing.

"I've missed you!" August told with excitement, ignoring my question. I smile wide as well, knowing I had missed him too. I placed my hands on his shoulders. It was much taller than I remembered him though. His shoulders were as high as my chest.

"I've missed you as well, August." He sits down next to me and keeps giggling which causes me to giggle as well. "Are you sitting with us?" I ask him playfully. He keeps staring at me, not needing to look away.

"Yes! Table 13!" He says placing the napkin over his legs, using his manners. "Mom and dad are talking to a few people." He says smiling.

"August where is Caleb?" I was worried to ask. I wondered if his parents had sent him to boarding to school after I had left. I always worried that was the case, and I couldn't hide my disappoint of it. I had worked with Caleb for longer than August, and we had formed a bond that was incomparable to August and me. I had felt ashamed every time I had I relied new information to my captain, because I felt as if I was betraying Caleb.

"Oh, you know he had schoolwork." August said regularly, "Mom thought it be best if he stay home, but he'll be really upset he missed you!" He was filled with laughter at what he said that I joined him. After August finished, I heard another familiar voice.

"Kara, is that you?" I turn slowly. I smile instantly once I see who it was.

"Mrs. Smith." I say getting up and hugging her genteelly. She was more excited to see me, than I could have imagined. Suddenly, I see Chris looking around joyfully next to me. "Mrs. Smith meet my husband, Chris." I usher Chris as he stood up. He extends his hand peacefully, using his proper manners.

"Kara, that wasn't long." Chris wraps his arm around my waist, and I blush unintentionally.

"It happened really quick." I manage to get out as my blood rushes through my body.

"You'll have to tell me all about it over tea sometime!" She exclaimed, obviously very interested. "Oh, I don't know where Hiram went." She says looking around for where he could be.

"I'm sure he's right around the corner." I laughed sitting back down as she moved to the other side of the table. I felt Chris's hand wrap into mine, and it helped my naturally tense body relax.

"Oh Kara! I'm so glad you're back!" She said picking up her napkin and putting it across her lap. "I just started searching for a tutor for my youngest." She instantly laughs with her words. I sit there confused since August was sitting next to me silently listening, "Oh my! You probably haven't even seen her yet!" She gasps with delight.

"No, she didn't, mother!" August exclaims happily smiling at both of us.

"Well, we have to have dinner, all of us," She emphasizes, "I mean Caleb isn't here either, and Hiram who know where he is at." She laughed lightly and then regained her serious tone, "Anyway, could you do dinner this week?" She pleaded me with a strong smiled. "Both of you of course!"

"We would love to!" Chris said jollily, which did not shock me too much, before I could respond. I turn to face Chris and his genuine smile towards me, helps me create a laugh of comfort. His hand squeezes mine, softly.

Chris POV

We return to the house and even though Melissa did all the talking, I was wiped. I sit on the couch next to her and she looks like how I feel. I grab her hand, hoping she wouldn't pull away. Melissa, then, leans her head on my shoulder.

"I guess you want to know."

"Uhh-" I was unsure to what she meant.

"When I can on undercover, I started as a tutor." She began.

"And you tutored their son." I said remembering the original information.

"Yes. Caleb, he has to be 17-18 now." She said after a moment of thought, "I started with him and then I grew close to him and his brother August, who was there. Although August was only 4-5 at the time I started," She took a small deep breath, "I wasn't just a tutor. Their mother means well and she's not part of the deep drug smuggling from what I saw," She began shaking her head in disgust, "but she cheats on her husband and isn't around her kids any more than she needs to be." She seemed very passionate about this family. I could tell she was very connected to these children and it had to be hard for her to leave after three years.

"You grew emotionally attached?" I asked knowing the answer. She took a deep breath looking disappointed in herself.

"I was young. Just got out of the academy. I was only 18 years old, of course I did." She explained, "They needed me. I grew close to Caleb the most and by the end, it was so hard to leave."

"Was he hurt when you left?" I questioned.

"I don't know. I had to stay away from the family because I would have gotten killed if they found out my cover was a fake." She tried to smile, but her discontent fought it.

"Like the other guy?" I knew these weren't the right words, but I tried to understand her situation.

"I guess so. There were not many details on him." She got up and let go of my hand. "Come on. We should get ready for bed. I told you my piece for today. It's your turn." She said as she turned to face me with her eyebrows raised. I followed her as she led to the stairs.

"I'm a pretty open guy." I joked as we began walking up the stairs.

"How about you start with how you got here?" She asked me.

"I told you. Boarding school." It seemed plain and simple.

"No, how'd you get here. On this assignment." She said with her eyebrow raised again in curiosity. I felt my heart pound. I looked at the ground and I feel my body shake slightly. I try to regain my composure, but it isn't quiet working. She must have noticed. "Tomorrow." I looked up at her blankly. "You can tell me tomorrow." She said with a stunning smile, "We've had a long day."

She got into bed and turned over. I couldn't see her face.

She protected me; she didn't just do that, she kept me from losing it. I hadn't told anyone but who was involved on what happened. It also didn't help that it was erased from all records. I didn't want to bring it up tonight when I had had such a good time with Melissa. I was so thankful for her kindness. I didn't deserve it, but I appreciated it.

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