Chapter 21

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"We are so excited that you are back, Kara." Mrs. Smith spoke as she led us out of the dining room. The maids were swarming from the kitchen and starting to clean up from brunch. Chris and I were one of the last remaining, other than a gentleman named Hugh Lincoln, we were the last to leave.

Chris had stuck by my side as Joe Smith and Hugh made their way to his office, I supposed for another afternoon scotch, and I knew Chris was too overwhelmed to join them, so I made the move.

"It is great to be back." I told her watching into the hallway. "And I'm sorry we couldn't stay longer." I shrugged softly, feeling Chris's hand move softly down the small of my back.

"No need to apologize. I have a feeling we'll be see a lot of each other soon." She turned smiling as we stopped just short of the front door. I watched as the gentleman who had greeted us before mystically appears behind Mrs. Smith.

"Yes, until Monday." I assured her as the gentleman stepped forward and handed me my coat. I started to put it on, but when I felt someone take charge, I unintentionally stopped and turned.

Chris stood there smiling softly and held the coat up. I instantly kept putting on my coat as quickly as I could.

"And, Chris, my husband is on the board, he will make the right decision regarding the position as his firm." She quietly told us. I turned to Chris after my light coat was on, watching his reaction. He did a simple nod as the gentleman handed him his jacket.

"It was a pleasure. Thank you, again, Mrs. Smith." Chris said to Mrs. Smith, softly pushing me out the door. My eyes went over to gentleman who held the door opened, he looked so emotionless, and it saddened me.

"Our Cheryl, please. So glad you both could attend. Have a great rest of your day." She yelled as we followed the path from their door to their driveway.

As we reached the driveway, I left Chris's hand brush off my back and quickly intertwine in my bare hand. I instantly, held onto him as we made our way to the car.

There was silence in the air as Chris stepped quickly in front of me, opening the car door. I giggled as I glided my body into the seat, waiting for him to approach the opposite side.

"That was a hell of a brunch." Chris blurted out after his door slammed shut. As our gazes met, we both busted into laughter. The sweet laughs filled the air as he put the car in gear, driving down the road. I took hold of his empty hand that rested on his thigh and squeezed it.

"You did amazing." I said staring at him, waiting for his gaze to glance over at me. I was serious, this wasn't a joke.

Chris POV

"I did, didn't I?" I teased her and her giggles returned. I felted her soft skin underneath my thumb and continued rubbing her gentle hand in mine. The only reason I did so well was because deep down, I knew she'd save me if I screwed up.

I glanced over in her direction to see her ocean eyes staring at me. I analyzed her face as fast as I could knowing, I'd have to turn back to the road soon.

"But I did nothing compared to you." I told her, hoping my soft, calm voice would convince her. "You made it seem so effortless."

"Honestly, it was hard to imagine." She quietly whispered to me. I could see out of the corner of my eye that her gaze had found its way onto the road.

"I wish-" I heard her phone ring and my head turned. I looked down at her hand that held the ringing phone and looked back up at her face. She looked from her phone to me. Her gazed remained on me as her mouth began to open. "You should get that." I said before she could speak.

I had read that it was her parents, and I knew she'd want to see her son, so I redirected myself towards the hospital as she accepted the call.

Who was I to say, I wish the fake story we made up was real? She had a real life and it had nothing to do with me. She had a son and a history that I was not apart of.

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