Chapter 17

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I wake up the next morning to a buzz from my phone. I slowly move around trying not to wake Chris who was fast asleep right next to me.
My phone showed a missed call from my mom, so I got out of bed. She continued to call, but I let them go until I was out of the room. I threw on some workout clothes and went downstairs.

"Mom?" I whisper walking down the stairs after her third call I finally picked up.  I heard her voice whimper quietly.

"Hey, baby, um well...."

"Mom, what is it?" I could tell there was something wrong and needed her to tell me.

"Adam is in the hospital."

"WHAT?!" I scream into my phone shaking the whole house. "What happened?"

"It's his allergies. Someone gave him a granola bar at lunch, and-"

"I'll be right there." I say hanging up and starting to run upstairs. I look at Chris who was standing at the top of the stairs. His expression showed his complete alertness and confusion.

"We have to go!" I say running and pushing past him to grab my wallet and keys.

"Melissa, what happened?" He asks getting dressed quickly. I stop in my tracks realizing I hadn't told Chris about Adam. I turn slowly to see him waiting for an answer. His eyes were glued on me as he put a dark blue jacket.

"I'll explain when we get there." I say saving my a**. I grab his hand because he was slowly still waking up and leading him down the stairs and to the car.

I hear his grunt with the pace, forgetting that he's still hurt, and slow my pace so that he wasn't hurting as much.

It's a short ride to the hospital. I knew my parents would only take him to one hospital because of Adam's complicated background.

When he was one he was diagnosed with asthma, then at three he had diagnosed with a heart murmur which had to be monitored every two weeks. There were other small incidents that had happened in between, but we stayed with our one reliable doctor. Dr. Grey. She only worked at Solan-Grey Memorial so that is where we went. Every time.

"Alright, well you are about to learn a lot in a short period of time, and it's okay if it changes things." I say to him as we walk into the hospital. He kept with my pace as I held his hand tighter.

Chris POV

"Nothing would change." I said quietly as we approached the desk.

"Adam Benoist." She told the front desk. I just hoped she didn't already have a husband, then that would change things.

I was quiet nervous of what she thought would change how I felt about her. I braced myself as the nurse spoke and we made our way to the room.

"204" The woman told us, and we went walking in that direction, I assumed. I followed her a little nervous and excited to see the real Melissa. The life of Melissa that I didn't know yet.


"Mama!!!" I saw Adam in a hospital bed smile at the sight of me. I go running towards him and embrace him in a hug. It had so long since I had seen him.

I felt whole again being here with him. I looked back at my parents who were smiling in my direction. I got comfortable next to Adam on his bed. I brushed his hair as he released me from his squeeze.

I finally looked back at Chris who was smiling in the doorway. I smile nervously as I look back at Adam. He was clearly happy to see me, but was I ready for him to meet Chris?

"Mom, Dad, Adam, this is Chris. My partner." Chris entered a bit more shaking my Dad's hand and smiling. "Chris these are my parents and my son, Adam." I say rubbing Adam's back.

I felt awkward knowing the thought that Chris and I were more than partners, while my parents had no idea.

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