Chapter 9

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Chris POV

"hey." I smiled getting up and putting on my shirt. I looked slightly back at her to see if she was looking, but she wasn't. "So, what's on today's agenda?" I ask unsure what was going on. I was hoping I was playing it cool, but I felt like a hot mess. She suddenly, speeds up and starts moving towards the closet.

"It's our day off. We can go to our normal lives until dinner tonight." She said from inside. I slide on clean pants as I listen. Then, I see her head pop out. "Where am I dropping you off at?"

"I think I'll just stay here." I say laying back in bed, planning on doing absolutely nothing. She is thrown off by my words. She steps out of the closest in a blouse and smooth blue jeans. She looked good as always, but I tried not to notice.

"Why? You don't want to go see anyone?" She says standing in the middle of the room making eye contact with me with her hands on her hips. She was looking sexy as ever but I tried to push it out of my mind.

"I have no one to see." I smirk lightly, but then realized how sad that sounded. There was no one I needed to see. I could go see a few friends, but it wasn't needed.

"You can-" Her eyes instantly grew sad.

"It's fine. I'm okay." I reassure her with a smile after cutting her off. She smiles slightly and I see the much-hated sympathy that I didn't want her to show. She quickly gets back to it and before I know it, I'm walking her out the door.

"Okay text me if-" She starts, but I cut her off again.

"Go, I'll be fine. I know the rules." I stop her, laughing through my response.


"Okay. I'll be back in two hours." I tell him walking out of the house and into the car. I felt terrible for not bringing him with me, deep down I wanted to, but it was my son I was going to see. I wasn't ready to tell him I had a son.

I drive up to the playground and get out scanning for my family. I finally catch sight of them and see Adam start running towards me with my parent's right behind him, once they caught sight of me.

Once he reaches me, I embrace him, strongly, and lift him into my arms. I hug him, snug in my arms, even though it's only been 5 days, I have missed more than I had ever thought.

"How are you guys?" I asked them as we sit at the picnic they had prepared.

"Good mama! I got to go to the water park last week!" He excitingly telling me all about it. He was so much like me as he rambled on and got off track easily. We all sat there listening to every word.

He started talking about school, then he went on to his friends, and soon we were on the topic of power rangers. Suddenly I feel my phone vibrate, and I ignore it. All this information that he had told me, in an hour, made me feel as if I was there with him through these days.

"That's it?" I joke with him as he runs out of breath and wants to start eating. I kiss him forehead as he nods. Just as I reach for a water from the cooler when my phone vibrates again. I look down at the caller id and see 'Chris.'

"Chris?" I question. I don't hear much but him breathing heavily. "Chris?!" I say getting worried more and more by every breath. I stand instantly, dying to hear a single word.

"Mel." I finally hear him. His few words tell me all the wrong things.

"Dad! Call 911!" I yell to my dad while I stayed on the phone with Chris. I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"What happened?" I pleaded to know, "Chris come on talk to me." I spoke in fear. His breath was gone, there was no raspy voice, nor did I hear him gasping for breath. His side of the phone was filled with silence.

I hang up fast and snatch the phone from my father. I look around at the three of them as they stay there confused and shocked. I couldn't explain anything, my feeling nor what was happening.

"There is an officer down on 55th and Harlem. Undercover Officer Chris Wood has been injured. He need assistance there now!" I scream through the phone. The operator stays silent taking in my words.

"Badge number." The operator says calmly because I was panicking out of my mind. I try to calm myself before speaking.


"An ambulance has been sent, Officer Benoist." She says hanging up on me.

I turn back to my family. My mom and dad already know what has happened from what I had said so I lean over and kiss Adam lightly. I wrap my arms around him once more.

"I have to go." My tears were threatening to come down, "I love you!" I say about to start running for the car.

"What about lunch?" He asks confused.

"Sweetie, mommy has to go be a superhero?" My mom jumps in. 'A superhero'? I was far from it. We both look at her. Then, Adam's eyes meet mine. I smile hoping he'll understand. His mood changes instantly and he smiles proudly.

"Bye mommy. Love you too." I feel my heart break as I start to run to my car. There was only one thing that ran through my head as I drove, 'Chris needed me and I wasn't there.'

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