Chapter 15

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Chris POV

We drive to the house in silence.

I personally was just thinking of the kiss we exchanged. Throughout the drive, I took many glances at Melissa who refused to look anywhere but the road. Her hair was blowing everywhere with the wind whipping through the car. I wanted to reach over and put it behind her ear, but I feared maybe she wasn't as pleased with the kiss as I was. So, I waited until I could understand what she was thinking before showing her my affection.

Melissa helped me into the house and up the stairs, which was a struggle. She got me bed and made sure I was comfortable. Then, she quickly moved towards the door as if refusing to have a conversation, so I decided to speak up.

"Mel," She turned quickly and looked at me with a mix of emotions shown on her face. I looked at her unsure of what to say, but it seemed like she wasn't ready to say anything either. "You think we-"

"I'm sorry. I have to take this." Melissa says cutting me off with the worst excuse I've ever heard. As she turned to sprint out of the room I could see a small tear run down her face.

"Alright!" I shouted with a laugh, "We'll talk later or something." I heard her sprint down the stairs and then there was silence, again.

Was it me? I wondered. Was it the kiss? Maybe I was reading this all wrong. Maybe the kiss wasn't how she felt at all, maybe she kissed me out of sympathy. This last thought ran a disgusted chill down my back.


I sprint down the stairs and stop inches in the hallway. I lean against the wall and slide down to a sitting position.

I look at the phone as it waited for me to accept the facetime call from my mom. I wanted to answer so bad, but I was afraid. It was Tuesday. The rules were only weekends, but I wanted to talk to Adam so bad. He would be out of school by now.

So many thoughts ran through my mind with no clear answer or solution.

Why am I thinking like this? I ask myself as I ignore the call and throw it to the ground. I set my head in my hands and feel my body grow weak. I begin to sob.

"Why is this so hard?" I whisper out loud to myself. I feel a buzz from my undercover phone in my pocket and I take it out.

I look at the caller ID which read: blocked caller. I assumed it had to be important no matter who it could be possibly from, so I answered.

"Kara?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Caleb?" I ask unsure. I wipe my tears away and get back into the cover that was tearing me apart.

"Yes." It tones grew more upbeat, "Would you like to join my family and I in a brunch tomorrow morning?" Caleb said in his sweet, kind voice. I tried to block out all my other problems, but it was hard as I heard his voice which reminded me of my own son's.

"Of course, I would." I started to come back to the conversation on the phone and realized something was off. "Wait. Don't you have school?" I ask him confused.

"Yeah, that's what were going to talk about." He paused picking his next words carefully, "I can't say much, Mrs. Knight, but you....."

"Oh of course. I'll be there." I didn't feel like pushing him than I had.

"Great! eleven o'clock. Our house, 1403 Orland Hills." He added once more, "Father will be pleased!!"

"Alright, I'll see you then, Caleb." I started to bring the phone down to hang up when I heard he speak again.

"Wait!" I put the phone back up to my ear. "Can you bring Chris?" He asked sheepishly. I smile knowing Caleb was getting comfortable with him and that would result for the rest family getting comfortable too.

"Yes. He'll be there." I tried to make my smile disappear. The mention of Chris began to draw out all the emotions again.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Knight." He sighed with relief.

"You can call me, Melissa. I think you're old enough." I laughed as I hung up and started to walk my way back upstairs. I had to face this, whatever it was.

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