Feeling Alive

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When I was younger, I felt empty inside and I didn't know how to feel alive. So I discovered a way do so, but it wasn't all that enjoyful. Turns out that drawing lines on my skin and watching them bleed was not the safest thing to do, but I didn't understand that. So for years, I struggled with feeling empty and hurting myself to feel alive again.

That was until I talked to the people I cared about. And my Aunty taught me a way to feel alive and be safe at the same time.

You see, feeling alive isn't just about feeling whole or feeling thrill run through your veins. Feeling alive is running through a nearby forest with your friends. Feeling alive is lying on the drive way at 3am looking at the stars in the sky. Feeling alive is standing on a bridge with a friend while watching the river underneath us go by and feeling the sea breeze fly through our hair. Feeling alive is changing your hair color every month or getting a new piercing each week. Feeling alive is falling in love and out of love in back in love over and over again because to be with you, I would do anything. Because with you, I feel alive. And I am happy to say that I am happy, and I have lived.

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