fuck my life

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I may have broken my first two fingers on my left hand and I told my crush/best friend yesterday that I won't be going to school tomorrow (monday) and she was like "but no, I miss you" and I said "Yea, well I fucked up and hurt myself" and the way she kept texting me and talking to me while we called was like HSHDISISKWN I don't know. It's hard to explain... Butterflies! I think that's it... I was like "hshidnwlvsiejwjdrj" I really hope she doesn't read this... anyway, I had to get this off my chest. Has anyone else felt this before? Cause I haven't... like.. last night, it felt like she really cares about me.. but I'll never know if she cares about me the way I care about her... she has wattpad so there is a possibility that she can read this, but at the same time, she hardly uses it so... If you're reading this, "My Crush" please don't mention it to me when you see me after reading it... that would be really embarrassing... Like, she knows I like her, (It's kinda obvious) but I still don't want her to read this...

 Like, she knows I like her, (It's kinda obvious) but I still don't want her to read this

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The pictures aren't that good. Anyway, so I thought that I'd actually tell you how I hurt myself. My dad's parents own a farm, and them, my Dad, Step-mum, brother and sister aswell as myself were all there chopping wood and (if you've ever seen a wood splitter, you'd know what I'm talking about) so I was holding a big, easily about 15-20kg piece of wood, on the lift of it, and my little sister was holding a piece about the same size, on the table on the splitter. She'd let her piece slip and it had jammed my first two fingers in between the wood. At the time I was wearing gloves, which was lucky, but it still hurt like hell. And it still does. This morning, my time, I went to get and X-ray and the lady that was helping said that she couldn't see anything right away, but I don't get the official results till later this week...

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