Chapter 6

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Levi could feel the blood drain from his face and was sure that if he hadn't been holding onto the back of a chair, he would have lived up to his name of Glasses and do something that would have not only have embarrassed him but the whole of Sloan Grey. Stuttering, he backed out of the room before turning and running before they could see the tears that were forming in his eyes.

He barely managed to get to an empty on call room before the tears stared to fall and he fell to his knees. Had Nico been lying to him all this time? It was true that they had only just defined the relationship in terms of calling each other boyfriends but Levi had at least thought that Nico wouldn't have got bored of him that quickly. Or even worse, been using Levi as something on the side while having a relationship with another person, least of all a woman. A woman? All that about coming out to his family and the crap that he had to put up with by being an member of the LGBT community and Asian. It must gave all been an eloquent lie to rope Levi in, confuse him into thinking that he had feelings for this man and then just leave him out in the cold.

But while he was thinking all of this, he barely noticed the door opening and Alex slip into the room causing him to startle when Alex placed a hand on his shoulder. Embarrassed at how he must have looked with his curls sticking out at odd angles, glasses at a jaunty angle on his nose where he had pushed them to get at his running eyes underneath and a nose keeping up a steady stream of snot. All in all he looked as good as he felt.

Alex placed a hand on Levi's shoulder and guided him over to the bed in the corner of the room. The bed creaked loudly as he was pushed on to it, almost as if it was protesting at carrying any sort of weight, even something as light as Levi. A tissue was then placed into his hand and Levi brought it up to dab at his streaming eyes. He felt the bed dip and creak even further as Alex sat down next to him and pulled him into his shoulder where he buried his head, like he used to do with Nico. And the wall that has been building up to this point, preventing the tears that had yer to come, broke and all Levi could do was sob into his seniors shoulder.


Min-jun was prepared to kill his little sister and he swears to high heaven in later retellings of this story that the only thing that was preventing him from doing so was the bed and machinery that made up most of the room and almost guaranteed that he would have made a fool out of himself if he had tried. Min-jee has sat there with that glint in her eye that he knew from years of being of the receiving end that she was up to no good and was prepared to bowl down anything that was standing in her way.

'What the hell?' He burst out as he watched the intern run from the room before turning to his sister. 'What the hell was that for? You heard him! Don't pull that face at me, I know you did. If what he says is true and he is Nico's boyfriend then he has a right to be here and you know it.'

Min-jee just stood up from where she had been curled up on a hard, white hospital chair, brushed some dust that only she could see off her bright green skirt and leaned in towards Min-jun. 'You don't even know the half of it, big brother. I'm doing this for everyone, Nico included. Call it a big sister thing for Nico. From what I know about that boy, he's trouble. And this family will be much better off without him in the picture.' She whispered as though she was keeping it a secret from the one person that it would affect most but who could not hear and could not respond.


Link could barely feel the coffee burn his throat as he swallowed his freshly brought coffee as though it was a life line. The bleak grey doors of Grey Sloan Memorial loomed up in his line of vision and he sighed as he crumpled up the now empty coffee cup and flung it towards the nearest bin. Link heard it miss, heard it bounce into the cracked pavement and as he veered towards where the sound had come from , he found himself walking straight into someone. Great, he was now seemingly stuck in a twisted version of a rom-com. As if his life couldn't be crappier.

He found himself mentally correcting that statement. His life could be crappier. Of course it had just been his luck to slam into Nico's mother of all people. As he stared to apologise, stumbling over his words multiple times in the process, he felt her reassuring hand on his arm. Somehow, and Link wasn't quite sure why, this simple gesture from someone that should be needing support from him in her time of crisis rather than this seemingly twisted version, saw him start to take deep, steadying breathes and clear his mind enough to see what was going on. Nico's mother was there in front of him, her hand placed reassuringly on his forearm, her eyes gazing directly at him. A chilly wind was blowing causing her cheeks to flush red and her hair to billow in the winter. Link smiled at her and opened his mouth to say something.

But she got there first. 'Is there somewhere private that we can go?' Link blinked for a second, bewildered and confused. What on earth did Nico's mother want to speak to him about? Why him and not one of the many doctors who were actually treating her son and were therefore much more well equipped to deal with any of her questions? He nodded silently and she stepped aside, indicating for him to lead the way.

When they eventually stopped, he turned and looked at her with an eyebrow raised. She sighed, 'It's about Nico. He isn't insured. We can't afford for him to continue having treatment.'

Hi! I hope you have been enjoying this so far. Please let me know if you have any ideas or if you just have general comments about the story in the comments.

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