Chapter 12

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The boredom was starting to kick in for Nico Kim as he picked at the limp looking salad that had been served to him in a poor excuse for lunch. In the few days that had passed since he had woken up he had been unable to do anything that seemed even remotely interesting. He wasn't allowed to start physical therapy yet as Link had yet to give him the all clear to start weight bearing on his mess of a leg so he was bedridden. And as much as Levi tried to convince him otherwise, it was driving him completely and utterly crazy.

Levi had brought in all manner of things for his entertainment which ranged from board games such as snakes and ladders to trying to convince Nico to read Les Miserables, something Nico was still adamant he was not going to do. So now he was stuck, staring at a black TV screen which failed to do anything to alleviate the boredom when he turned it on due to its limited range of channels. Apparently Grey Sloan Memorial hadn't heard of investing in good cable for its bed ridden and bored patients. With a groan of frustration, Nico threw his head back as the door opened and he heard someone slip into the room. A brief smile crossed his lips as he thought about who it could be but it quickly dropped off as he lifted his head and saw who it really was. Min-jee stood there, bright purple lips pulled back in a smile which would sent shivers down even the bravest mans spine.

She casually threw her bag into the nearest chair and strode across the room to where her brother lay. Nico's panic showed as the heart monitor connected to him increased in its beeping, showing his fear to his sister. And his sister pounded on that fear like he knew that she would. He swallowed, feeling his throat go dry. He tried to open his mouth to show that he wasn't scared but he found that his words had failed him.

"Why hello there, little brother!" She whispered, the hatred that she carried for her brother dripping from her words. Nick gulped and the heart monitor began to sound even faster. "Why so scared, Nico? It's just me. Just a concerned sister checking in on her poor, injured little brother. Can't have the baby be alone now can we?" The terror was all consuming, he was alone with her and she was going to hurt him. And he just knew that she was going to hurt him like she had never hurt him before.

The food in the hospital canteen tasted like utter rubbish. That was something that all the interns at Grey Sloan Memorial would tell anyone that would care to listen. So it was of no particular interest to anyone that on their lunch breaks, the interns would be found on their usual beds in the tunnels picking away at the food, while complaint loudly to anyone that would listen that they should steer clear of the canteen on that particular day. This meant that when Casey Parker rounded the corner to the tunnel and his fellow interns, he believed it to be an ordinary day, with nothing seemingly wrong. From the far end of the tunnel, he could hear Quandri singing horrendously off key while she waited for the others to join her.

As he got closer, he joined in, being just as horrendously off-time as Quandri. Upon hearing Casey's voice join in, Quandri let out a small scream which caused Casey to chuckle. As he clambered onto the bed, he gave her a small nudge, signalling to her to talk about whatever was on her mind. And talk she did.

Casey heard all that Quandri had been holding in these past few months. Her worries over Levi and the fact that he didn't seem to be taking care of himself. Watching one of their best friends deteriorate in front of them was heart wrenching for all of them but Quandri had always been particularly sensitive to the needs of those around her. By the time Quandri finished she had tears in her eyes and Casey had wrapped his arms around her. Taryn, who has arrived during Quandri's emotion filled talk, gently rubbed her knee. The interns were struggling. They all were but they were going to be there. Be there for each other and for Levi and Nico. Because they cared and they were not going to let anyone suffer alone.


Miranda Bailey hated her job sometimes. She really did. If there was not some immediate crisis that demanded her attention, there were feuds between doctors, relationships going south or one of her own medical staff becoming one of her patients. And she was in the position of having the fourth option. And it just had to be in her most short staffed department because she had apparently done some bad stuff to annoy God and he was now enacting his revenge by making her suffer. She sure as hell hoped he was happy, the twisted old man.

She was sat in her office, mulling over if she needed to recruit another attending to help Link out in the orthopaedic department when she heard a knock at the door. She gestured for whoever it was to enter and the door creaked open as Meredith Grey entered the room. Without saying anything, Miranda gestured to a chair and Meredith took it, muttering a thanks. After a few seconds of silence, Miranda gave Meredith a small glare before signing, closing up the folders in front of her and crossing her arms. "Are you planning on talking Grey or are we going to sit here wasting both of our precious time when we both could be doing something more productive?" This seemed to jump Meredith into action and Miranda watched as she reaches into the pocket of her jeans and brought out a folded up piece of paper. Bailey took the offered paper and opened it. What she saw would haunt her for the rest of her days.

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