Chapter 22

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The sound of the monotone beep would be remembered by everyone in that room for the rest of their lives. They had failed. It was inevitable in their careers in the medical field that they would lose patients but it never lessened the pain no matter how many they lost. They had lost a young man at the beginning of his life. A young man who had only been trying to protect his little brother and they had added to the pain of him.

Owen had seen Link come bursting into the room as he has called the time of death. Knew that he was not the only one that was relieved that it was not Nico's time of death that was being called but both felt their hearts breaking at the thought of the new emotional pain that Nico would go through. They both know that Nico would hold himself responsible for his brothers death for the rest of his life and no one could change that. Deep down they were glad that Nico was the one that was currently still fighting for his life but the overriding emotion that they were both experiencing was guilt at the pain that they had placed at the door of this young man. Owen have a nod to the scrub nurse that was closest to Min-kin's head and she lifted the sheet that had been covering his body so that it covered his head in one final act of respect from the people who had tried so fruitlessly to save his life.


Amelia was having the time of her life. Not only did she have to deal with trying to save Nico Kim's life all over again, life has apparently decided that that task was too easy and granted her the present of Nico having three seizures in quick succession. She could feel the panic rising in her chest. His life was in her hands again and she could not lose him this time. She didn't know him as well as she would like, having barely interacted with him as whenever she had needed an orthopaedic consult, she had always tried to ensure that it was Link that came. She regrets that now of course, seeing the bond between Link and Nico and seeing the older mans concern for every minute that the younger had spent suffering in hospital. And here he was again, hooked up to another ventilator, heart monitor beeping rapidly and Amelia standing over him and being responsible for whether he lived or died.

The door burst open and more people spilled into the already overcrowded room. Amelia recognised Owen almost immediately, the man being almost impossible to miss in the fact that he was almost a foot taller than anyone else in the room. And the minute she saw him standing there, she knew that he had lost Nico's brother. Knew that she now had to keep their other son alive in order to try and ensure that the Kim family didn't suffer any more than they already had to.


Levi woke in a complete daze. He didn't know what had happened or even where he was. The last thing that was clear in his mind was Link suddenly appearing and restraining him as he had tried to fight his way to Nico. Now he was in what looked to be one of Grey Sloans many side rooms and he didn't know how he got there. He ran a quick assessment of his body and found a small patch of cotton taped down with a small patch of sellotape in the crook of his arm. Now Levi hadn't spent the last seven years of his life training to become a medical professional to know what had happened. He had clearly been drugged to calm him down. Levi didn't remember much apart from Link and Casey being there so it was obviously Link that had had the idea of drugging him as Casey wouldn't dare to dream to do that to one of his friends. Levi suddenly remember Casey. He'd hurt him, dragged his nails across his friends cheek and left a nasty looking cut that would surely scar. He knew that he had to find Casey to apologise before getting him to take him to wherever Nico was. He had to know if he was even alive.

As soon as Levi went to remove the wires from his body, an alarm started to scream and his door was flung open by frantic looking nurses and Link who clearly thought that he would get trying to escape again. Levi started to sob as soon as he saw Link and the man rushed over to swallow him in a giant hug. Levi lay like that for what seemed like hours, dampening the material of Links shirt until he seemed to fall asleep. When he next woke up, he wasn't alone. In the next bed was Nico, sound asleep and very much alive. Levi slipped his hand out of his bed and managed to intertwine their fingers together. They were still together to see another day through.

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