Chapter 19

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Levi woke to a ringing in his ears and a blinding white light. Didn't his mother used to tell him that the white light would be a sign that he was going to heaven? A few seconds later, he managed to establish that he was, in fact, not in heaven when the ringing in his ears started to subside and voices started to trickle through. He heard the yelling first and then began to identify the person behind the voice. Link could be heard yelling faintly in the distance, while the voices that he thought belonged to Owen, Meredith and Alex could be heard much more clearly. What they were saying however, Levi was not completely sure.

He managed to finally peel his eyes open after what seemed to be at least a few hours and was greeted to the sight of his friends rushing around, overlapping instructions pouring out of their mouths. They were grabbing units of blood, gauze, anything that they could get their hands on and racing towards the two resus rooms. That's when the memory of what happened started to flood back. The window shattering. The loud bangs that made his ears scream with pain. The yelling that came from so many different voices that Levi could not distinguish between them. He couldn't tell who was being hit by what he now established to be gunshots. He just remembers the confusion as he dropped to the floor before realising that Nico was an easy target. Nico couldn't get off of his bed and all Levi can remember doing is screaming for Nico until his voice was gone and his throat was throbbing with pain. And then he remembers the flash of light, the blinding pain and the darkness that followed.

He is jerked from his memories by someone shaking his shoulder. He jumps slightly before turning to look at whoever it was and being greeting with the sight of an anxious looking Casey flanked by Quandri and Taryn. All of them looked as though they had not slept in the past week and looked as haggard as Levi felt. Once they saw that Levi was responding, all three flew at him and surrounded him in a hug which caused him to yelp in pain. That only made the situation worse as this seemed to activate the mother hen mode of all three of his friends and they flew at him, asking him a million and one questions of which he heard none of them. He just stares blankly at them until the haunted loom that he imagines that he's giving them shuts them up. Once they had all quietened down, he tried to ask them about Min-Jun and Nico. Tried to ask them if they were sill alive but all he managed to get out was a painful croak. This croak had all three rushing for the water pitcher at the side of his bed in an attempt to pour him a glass. Within a few seconds of him emitting that pitiful sound, a glass full of water was being presented to him with a coloured straw sticking out of the top. Levi reached for it and briefly spent a couple of seconds having a vicious battle with the straw to try and get it in his mouth. Once he had done so, and might he had that he was feeling particularly proud of himself for that, he attempted again to try and let his friends know of his concern.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, he managed to croak out, "Nico and Min-jun. Are they okay? What happened? In fact, am I okay?" They all shared a look among themselves that had Levi's heart dropping into his feet. Something was wrong. He knew it. There was something they were reluctant to tell him about what happened but he would be damned if he didn't manage to wrangle whatever it was out of them. So when they turned their eyes back to Levi, they were greeted with an arched eyebrow and Levi's best death start, which they would later say wasn't really that threatening at all. A few seconds of elbowing each other and muttered "you tell him"'s resulted in a fidgeting Casey step forward and launch into the story that would help fill in the gaps in Levi's head. According to Casey, the explosion in the window, which was the last thing that Levi could remember, was caused by multiple gunshots being fired through the window. Levi had apparently dropped to the floor along with Min-jun while Nico had tried to curl himself into a ball on his bed. "Nico and Min-jun are both in critical condition," Casey said with a gesture towards the two resus rooms which still had people streaming in and out. "You were lucky, Levi," Taryn piped up, drawing his attention back to his friends. "You are only grazed but you tried to get to Nico and you were clipped by a stray bullet to the head. That's what knocked you unconscious." Levi felt his hand slowly drift towards his head to feel the bandage that covered his head. As his hand drifted back down towards the bed, there was a commotion coming from the resus rooms. There were medical personnel streaming towards the rooms while an alarm stared to blare overhead. Levi started to pull his blankets off of himself, determined to get to those rooms. He had to know. They couldn't stop him knowing. Because that alarm only meant one thing. In one of those rooms, either the love of his life or Min-jun was dying. And he didn't know which one.

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