Chapter 25

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Casey was worried. Levi was not okay at all. Casey would even go as far as comparing Levi to a zombie of some kind. There were deep purple bags under Levi's eyes that would be clear to anyone from a mile away as well as the fact that he was barely keeping it together. Bailey had even intervened after he'd scared a 8-year old patient when he entered for rounds looking dead on his feet and banned him from going near patients after that incident. Now he just sat in the lab doing research for Meredith and Jo. At least that was what he was supposed to be doing but when Casey entered the lab on his lunch break, Levi was laying on the couch in the corner of the room staring blankly at the ceiling. He poked Levi in an effort to try and get him to move and allow Casey to join him on the couch but all Levi did was stare his blank stare from the ceiling to him. Casey let out a sigh and physically rearranged his legs so he could slip under them.

After a few minutes of silence, Casey felt forced to say something. "Levi, you need to do something here. It's been two months. I know you loved Nico but you need to learn to adapt to life without him." All Levi did was shift on the couch and seemingly curl more into himself. The door creaked loudly as it swung open and Dahlia entered the room, holding several coffee cups. One she handed to Casey and another she held out towards Levi. When Levi didn't reach out to take it, she shared a look with Casey before placing the cup down on the floor next to where Levi lay. Dahlia then pulled up a chair and clutching her coffee in her hands, leaned forwards to get a closer look at Levi.

"He's starting physio today," she commented.

"What are you doing?" Dahlia heard Casey whisper angrily. She waved his concerns away as she kept her gaze on Levi. He'd uncurled himself slightly at the mention of his ex and she could see that there was a spark of interest in his eyes that had not been there previously. She knew then that her plan was working and decided to keep on going.

"Yeah, Link have him the all clear a couple of days ago and he started today. He still has that massive cage on his leg though. Yeah, Link doesn't want to remove it until his leg can be weight bearing plus I don't think that his leg is completely healed yet. But the physio won't be wanting to do his legs yet. I think he wants to focus on getting Nico to lift things up yet."

By the end of her small speech, Levi had uncurled himself completely and was now sitting up and staring at Dalia with fascination.

"He would have only just got the cast on his arm off though if I'm right. Surely he shouldn't be doing any physio at all yet. At least not for a few more weeks." Levi said, hands wringing in his lap.

"Levi, you know that you still sound like you care about him. You've been split up for almost two months now. It's beginning to sound less like your heartbroken and more like you're beginning to obsess over him." Casey suddenly burst out. He immediately looked shocked as if he hadn't expected to have the outburst.

"Obsess? I'm not obsessing over Nico. I'm just concerned about his recovery," Levi replied, pain seeping through into his voice. Casey's words had clearly hurt him.

"Levi. Listen to yourself. Your constantly talking about him, walking past his room to check on him. He hasn't even spoken to you once and he broke up with you. Okay. He put you through all that pain and emotional stress, let you put your career on hold and therefore fall behind the rest of us just to go and dump you." Casey replied angrily. Both Levi and Dalia started with their mouths agog at Casey. They'd never seen their friend angry like this, with a righteous anger in his eyes and his fists clenching and unclenching by his side. Dalia looked over at Levi to try and gauge his reaction. She saw his eyes start to fill with tears before pulling his legs off of Casey's lap and storming out of the room. The sound of the door being angrily slammed behind Levi echoed throughout the room and Dahlia sent a glare that would have scarred most men in Casey's direction.

"What the hell was that Casey? You know he's still sensitive about Nico and the whole breakup. So why on earth did you have to go and say that for?" Dahlia yelled at Casey before storming out of the room in an attempt to follow Levi.


Levis's tears were filling his eyes and blurring his vision. He could barely see where he was going but his feet knew the direction towards the on-call rooms. He burst into one of the rooms that was thankfully empty and immediately curled up into one of the beds, letting the tears fall down his face in uncontrolled streams. His strangled sobs started to echo around the room and he almost felt ashamed of himself for falling apart this easily over a man that clearly didn't love him anymore.

"Thank god Levi, there you are," he heard Dahlia exclaim as she opened the door to the on call room. "Come here you poor soul. I'm so sorry about what Casey said but you do know that he had a point. Nico doesn't want to be with you otherwise he would have never have broken up with you. He's not broken-hearted over you at all. I've had to help Amelia out after he's had some of his more serious seizures and he's perfectly fine."

Levi just sniffled before wiping his tears away. "Maybe your right. Maybe I need to move on."

The next chapter will be the last one. I'm running out of steam with this story and I'm trying out a new book if you want to try it out. Sorry to bring this to an end

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