What if a black girl knew?
To be shy....is a "weakness"
To not speak up is worth a disaster!
To be timid is a disgrace
Which sometimes lead to self-hate.
To be told otherwise is different
To be accepted is a possibility
Only if you do society.What if a black girl knew?
Keeping to herself is being "nuff"
Minding her business, she's being a bluff
Doing her own thing, being different,
Doing different is not okay
If it's not in their way.What if a black girl knew?
That to be shy is okay
To stand out is a blessing
To fit in....A curse
You'll go round in circles
Never feeling [like an] individual.What if a black girl knew?
To be your own person
Is the greatest gift
Lift up yourself
And your sisters.
To be a black girl
You're automatically this or that
But that's not true
And that's a fact.
What if all black girls knew?******
With all that has been going on recently, I just wanted to create something...that resounds within me. As I myself am a black girl...one who got told she wasn't enough but that's not true, at all. Everyone is enough.
I actually wrote this for my poetry class awhile back and I wanted to share this with you all🤍
Much love,
- z.a.m.
aruma - naked thoughts
PoetrySometimes, written words are a way to release thoughts that you'd never have the courage to say out loud to others. Real and true poetry. These are free-verse because, sometimes, feelings are so raw that they're not meant to rhyme, and that's okay!