The Ones

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Chapter One;;

The Ones;;

Do you know those pretty girls who almost always have boyfriends that they flip through like the pages of a book? Those girls who have all the best clothes? The ones who look perfect even when they're crying and have red noses? Who look perfect when they’re screaming with creased brows? Yeah?

Then you know that feeling you get around them, the feeling that you are less important than them and their stories are always more interesting than yours. Some people even get involved in the drama and know that if they betray these girls there is a price to pay.

Cooper Elizabeth Kirronen was one of those girls. She is the girl who can tell you just how much trouble these girls can cause you, whether they mean to or not.

Cooper’s story doesn't begin happily and it may seem like an endless realm of misfortune, but unlike the heroine of this long and twisted story you will know, because you are being told right now, that there is always hope.

Cooper was a beautiful girl and she was rich. She wasn't the usual rich girl though, she hadn't been spoiled. Her parents had been poor and worked hard for their money and decided to teach their children the value of money and hard work. Her social status made her accepted by those pretty girls I was telling you about. Her upbringing, however gave her a preference for a different crowd: the average people.

Cooper begged her parents to let her throw a huge party. She just wanted to fit in, all the other kids held big parties. These excuses meant nothing to Cooper’s parents. Cooper wasn’t like all of the other kids because Cooper was their daughter.

Her parents did, however, believe in a rewards system. So when Cooper received two A+s in a single week they agreed to let her throw a party. Her parents were so trusting that they promised they'd stay upstairs and keep her little sister, Meaghan, out of the way. They didn’t think anything bad would really happen, and why should they? Cooper was a good kid, and her friends were mostly good children as well.

Cooper invited everyone to the party, and it became the biggest social event of the year. It was no surprise that even more people turned up to the party than she'd invited.

One guest, Britney Elroy, was a pretty girl who had the most talked about connections and terrible wrath. She had been Cooper's best friend for years, but one event set her wrath against Cooper. She saw her boyfriend kissing Cooper, an involuntary participant of this unfaithfulness.

Britney called upon one of the men who owed her family money – lots of money. He was an interesting person to Britney because he provided a way for her to exact her perfect revenge on Cooper. Even more convenient for her he lived just outside of town. He was also an interesting man because he was a collector of exotic snakes.

She blackmailed him into coming to Cooper’s party with one of his boa constrictors. Britney told this man that his debt would be forgotten if he aided her, and that was a very generous offer for the man because her father was getting very impatient with him. It must be said that he was a desperate man, and Britney’s father wasn’t the only person he owed money to.

Her plan was to scare everyone at the party, to show them what it meant to cross her. Letting this exotic snake loose would surely terrify everyone, and make them question how much Cooper actually gave a shit about any of their safety. Just to ensure that everyone became angry with Cooper she would swoop in and act as though she knew everything there was to know about that particular breed of snake and tell them it is poisonous. Who would realize it was a boa constrictor or even know that they weren’t poisonous? Britney was convinced everyone would be just as mad at Cooper as she was and that they’d leave her alone. She didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt.

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