Chapter 4

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"Which is?" I ask as he drags me into a room before switching the light on. There, a whole room lay filled with dangerous brutal weapons.
"Pick one." I searched around and eventually found what I was looking for. It shined in the reflection of light and the silver tip seemed to spark to my attention.
The sword. It was perfect.
"We are so alike..." I heard Ben say though I was busy admiring this perfect weapon.
"It's perfect." I say admiring the sword.
"Yeah I felt the same way when I found this baby." Ben pulls out a crystal sword which glimmer and shined. He pulled me out the door and deep into the forest before we halted to a walking pace. "So who do you have an eye on?" I ask winking at Ben while containing my somewhat joking laugh.
"Oh there's this girl in the mansion." My eyes widened. Sally?
"Sally?" He shakes his hand and I lower my frown.
"Then who?" I ask and Ben begins to look around.
"Bo Bo." My mouth opens and I scream a little girls scream.
"Oh my gosh that's so cute! When we get back I have to set you guys up!" I shout and jump around.
We came back sweaty and covered in blood. My eyes were red from sweat and my hair was a curly mess. I ran into Bo Bo's room and locked the door.
"Megan?" Bo asks confused and slightly scared. I jump excitedly before calming myself down and sitting next to her.
"What do you think of Ben?" I ask looking towards the brown door.
"He's alright I guess, why?" I frown a little and study her face.
"Alright? Just alright?" I ask a little bit more harsh and she nods her head.
"Yes now I have to get ready for Jane and my shopping date!" I was pushed out of the room and my face drops. There are only three of us girls and I never knew they went out without me. Although what do I expect. I've been here for a few days. Can't expect any miracles and that's especially for Jane.
"So?" Ben asks looking nervous.
"She thinks your alright..." Bens face drops and I wipe away the stray tear.
"Hey hey hey. Megan what's wrong?" I look down before up into Bens blue eyes. They are going out shopping."
"Who are?" I sigh loudly and reply.
"Jane and Bo."

Ben nods understandably and puts his arms around me containing me in a tight hug.
"I know I can't expect them to just understand but...b-but I just want some friends." I sniffle into his shirt while hugging him back.
"I know I know. Don't worry I'll go shopping with you. We can get some new games and clothes and eat heaps of junk." I giggle a little as we stand there in a comfortable hug.
"Haha yeah okey." I say.

"Megan!" Jeff shouts and I turn around to look at him.
"What are you doing?" I let out a scoff at his ignorance. He really could lie to me.

"Well I know what I'm not doing." I say crossing my arms. How could I let myself get a stupid crush on him. It was bound to screw up. Just like Ben. He gave into a crush and it disappointed him.
"What's that?" Jeff asked.

"Trusting you ever again."

blood spills like water (A BEN Drowned love story)Where stories live. Discover now