Where Did You Sleep Last Night

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Short recap
Both lost in the moment Henry lowered his head and met Charlotte's lips with his own in a sweet light, feathery light kiss. But as soon as the moment had come it was gone as Charlotte jerked back, willing the tears not to fall. 

I'm Sorry She cursed before attempting to make away from Henry 

No Char. Stop Okay? He pleaded, keeping her in his  embrace.

I just...It happened and then all of a sudden it wasn't about you... Charlotte trailed off, letting herself breakdown again in the arms of her estranged friend.   
How is she? Lauren asked for everyone once Henry arrived in the living room area and the group was back at Charlotte's house.

Cried herself to sleep. Henry answered with a heartfelt sigh. He hated that he couldn't make things better, that he wasn't there to protect her.

You shouldn't have left the party without us man. Jasper scolded, sitting down on the couch opposite of Lauren. She wanted us to have fun.
Right. I wasn't going to piss off an already upset Charlotte . She wanted us to have fun tonight because she feels guilty for having our attention focus on her. The second i'd pulled out my phone I called you both as soon as I could Henry explained .

Alright , It's getting late and Tomorrow is the cheerleading  tryouts for the cheerleading competition  next week and I need to be there at 8:00 sharp ok so I will see you guys there . Lauren yawned, standing up and stretching before leaving the House being greeted with Farewells on her way.
She's right I'm in for the night, you can camp out here if you want Henry sighed, looking at Jasper who remained in the living room .

Sounds good. Mom's are out of town and Dad's at a friend house watching football Jasper agreed.

Alright, Good night Henry replied, giving Jasper a hug goodnight and locking the door and went to the couch across from Jasper. 

How is she? Jasper asked in the darkness that enveloped the house. Both boys were stretched out on the couches and neither had found sleep after an hour of silence and fidgeting .

Not great. But I guess she could be worse. She was really happy to hear back from the doctor who gave her all the good news.

I noticed.

Yeah. Henry agreed, again letting silence to take over the room, You think she'll get better, like she'll be able to be  like she was before? 

I have no clue Henry . Jasper sighed heavily

Great. where's the all wise somewhat Knowing Jasper? Henry asked ,annoyed of all times that his friend had nothing but a normal person's response .

Well I know you kissed her at the party earlier tonight Jasper quipped light heatedly 

So, when are you guys actually going to get together because you guys have been sending signals for the last 5 years? Jasper asked as he was getting off the couch to sit up right. 

However long she wants to wait I'll give her. If she's not ready for it, then she's not ready.

Good, but don't be looking for other girls because if that happens I will beat your ass.

It won't...and I wouldn't stop you. Henry replied, his voice graved and laced with promise 

Next Morning 

C'mon Char, wake up before the boys do Lauren whined in Charlotte's ear.

I don't feel like getting up Lauren. Go away. Charlotte moaned and covered her head with the blanket 

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