The Trick Is to Keep Breathing

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Henry had been sitting in Charlotte's hospital  room for two days before Jasper was able to convince him to go home to shower and change. He was still in the clothes that he wore on the day of the shooting and sweaty from the running around he did and Jasper had promised  he would stay with her. Although 20 minutes after Henry had gone, Lauren managed to convince Jasper  to go to the cafeteria as he hadn't been eating much over the last 2 days. It was while no one was in Charlotte's room that she woke up. She had looked around the room for several seconds before she realized that she was still in the hospital, it was when she tried to move that she felt the shooting pain in her leg. She  felt a strong sense of déjà vu at waking up alone in a hospital room again. It was then that she remembered in the school. She found it ironic how she had never seen a gunshot wound in real life before and now in such short time she had been shot. In a way  it made her feel lucky though, how many people had been shot on two separate occasions and she was still alive. She was surprised when she looked around the empty room that no one was there, she was sure while she had been out she had heard them talking to her. It was then that she noticed something else, she felt full and not extremely tired although she did still feel weak. It was such an incredible feeling for her since she had been feeling awful for weeks. It was then that the nurse walked in and noticed she was awake. 

How are you feeling, dear? the old nurse asked her. Charlotte looked at her because she had no idea how to even begin answering that question. She felt a million things but didn't know which one she felt the most so instead of speaking she just gave the nurse a small smile.

As Henry had been walking the corridors back to Charlotte's room, he had bumped into Jasper and Lauren. He was not happy. He had expected  Jasper to stay in Charlotte's room the whole time when he was away. He had only 40 minutes. Jasper and Lauren  muttered their apologies and they all made their way to Charlotte's room where they were surprised to find a doctor just leaving. 

Ahh, Mr. Hart, I was wondering where you had gone. Now, your friend has woken up and appears to physically to be doing fine. The doctor started to explain. 

She's awake. Henry interrupted excitedly. What do you mean is she not mentally okay? He asked starting to worry. 

Well, she seems fine enough and she doesn't want to talk. It may just be because there is no one she really knows in the room. Although she has been through a lot and she may need some time before she feels she wants to talk again. You will all just have to give her time. Now I think she should be able to be released tomorrow as long as we feel there is somewhere she can go where she will be looked after and to make sure she's eating properly. The doctor finished

Well, As long as she agrees she will come back with me and trust me doctor I will wait hand and foot. Henry explained eagerly.  

Well, that sounds excellent, she will need to use crutches when she leaves and stay off her leg as much as possible. You can go in and see her but remember to be gentle with her .  The doctor  explained and went off to see his next patient  

The three of them entered the room and Charlotte turned over to look at them. She was worried, what if now they knew she was better they didn't want to talk to her again because of what she said to Henry . 

Henry was also nervous, when he last saw her awake she had never wanted to see him again. He didn't know what to do so he went and hovered next to her bed before suddenly sitting down and squeezing her hand gently. She looked into his eyes and slightly smiled at him, this smile expression made Henry's heart want to break with joy.

She could have  stared into his eyes forever but suddenly getting  with the boy she loved reminded her of all she lost and her smile faltered and she burst into tears. Henry  immediately gathered her in his arms and let her cry into his shoulder while he  whispered comforting things to her. 

As Charlotte broke down, Jasper went to the other side of her bed and rubbed her back gently, he didn't want interrupt the moment for them but he wanted Charlotte to know he was there for her too. After a while  Charlotte's crying died down and she was just leaning against Henry who sat on her bed. 

The doctor said you can go home tomorrow, so I was wondering if you wanted to come back to my house where I can look after you. He asked nervously. She looked at him slightly worriedly after all it was Miguel's fault that she was in here. As if guessing what she was thinking Jasper added.

Miguel's is not on the streets because he's now in a Insanity ward, but he feels terrible about all this. 

I'll look after you. You can have all the rooms you want. Piper's staying at a friend's house for the time being so I can concentrate on looking after you. Is it what you want? he asked. She just nodded she really wanted to be  with Henry but his complete turn around in attitude towards her was slightly strange after so many days of coldness. He smiled back at her slightly but was still sad though that she couldn't talk to him but he was still so happy she had agreed to live with him.

And don't worry about Henry cooking, I think Jasper intends to be your personal chef until you go to college. Lauren added laughing. Charlotte smiled, It was nice have people smiling and talking nicely to her. 

I guess this our cue to leave. Jasper  said bending over Charlotte and giving her a hug. We'll be back tomorrow when you discharged, sleep well. Lauren waved bye as they both exited the room .

I'll go too and get the house ready, but I'll be back first thing. Sleep well. Henry said  placing a kiss on her forehead. He then walked right out of the door. 

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