Now You See Me

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Henry and Lauren sat in the cafeteria avoiding those around them. Word had gotten around about Charlotte and Miguel and most versions weren't even close to the truth.

 Picking at their food they sat waiting for Jasper and Charlotte  to arrive,having dropped trying to keep conversation.

Finally. Lauren sighed as she caught the sight of the two making their way to the table.

Well, that was fun. Charlotte scoffed as she sat in spot cleared for her between Lauren and Henry.

 Noticing the group's uneasiness she knew that someone drawn a short stick on telling her something she already knew. So,everyone knows

How did they know what happened? Lauren questioned. 

Apparently, Miguel told everyone his version of things, and since no knew who I was, they went with his version of events instead.  Charlotte informed the group as she started to crack, something she had been avoiding all morning.

What? Henry asked, nearly choking on the water he just drank.

You haven't heard?  Yeah, some girls in my gym class think that I wasn't attacked, I wanted it. Charlotte remarked as tears began to fall freely.

Wel, l we're finding out who started that one first. Lauren consoled as Henry put his arm around Charlotte and brought her closer to him. He felt her immediately tense before hearing her mutter something then relax into his embrace.

You wanna leave? Henry whispered to Charlotte as Lauren and Jasper discuss who said what and to whom.

Desperately. But,I'm not going to. Charlotte stated firmly as she collected herself in Henry's embrace.

Char- Henry protested began to protest

Henry,no Charlotte's voice wavered as she pulled herself away from him. Flashbacks of Miguel forcing her into something she didn't want flooded her mind . She shut her eyes tightly to block out her surroundings and took a deep breath before slowly opening her eyes to find everyone at the table staring at her. I'm okay

So? Is it true ? A girl asked Charlotte who was accompanied by Lauren

Is what true ? Lauren asked

First, i'm not talking to you and second,Charlotte, is it true? Are you preganet ? Is that why you weren't at practice today?

First off she was at practice, second she's not pregnant, not that's it any of your business and third if you are talking to her then you are talking to me. Lauren smirked before linking arms with Charlotte and walking in the opposite direction as the girl who asked the question.

Thanks.  Charlotte gave Lauren a small smile

Charlotte, we are all here for you. Whatever You need, we will give it. Lauren promised and Charlotte smiled appreciatively. The smile quickly soon faded as the two approached a small group of gossiping girls.

Oooh Miguel one of the girls moaned, the rest breaking out in a fit of laughter

Wait for me.  Lauren commanded after she guided Charlotte around the corner and out of sight of the girls. Lauren quickly marched up to the girl who made the comment and slapped the girl across the face, earning the silence of the laughter. "You better lay off the comments. You don't know what the hell happened, in fact,consider yourself lucky that you don't. I wouldn't wish what happened on my worst enemy."

With that Lauren turned back on her heel and wrapped her arm around a as now crying Charlotte as she guided them to her car.

2 days later....

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