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For the record, Thomas thought, this training is way too intense. Apparently Minho didn't think the same, because he didn't change the exercises, which were: sprinting for long periods of time, climbing trees, firing a bow, using their makeshift spears effectively, and hiding from "Hunters".
"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Thomas asked Minho.
"The way I see it, it's gonna do a lot more than what you expect," he replied. Thomas, Minho, Ian, Isaac, Olivia, Gina, Jorge, and Brenda, were just watching the Survivors train. After the long hours of the training, the Survivors agreed to split into three groups: Group One would lead, Group Two would stay back and fire arrows, and Group Three would come in after Groups One and Two and finish the job.
An Immune yelled out, "Isn't this the part where someone give a motivational speech or something?" There were a few snickers.
"Yeah, but unfortuneately we have nothin'," Thomas replied.
"Actually, ny hermanos, I kinda have somethin'" Jorge said.
"What, let's get out there and kick some Hunter butt or something?" Minho asked.
"Exactly," Jorge responded.

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