OwO what's this??

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Become Karkat Vantas

"Alright Porrim I finished the photo shoot. Can you get Cronus to drive me to the airport.... what do you mean I need him to come with me.... ugh fine I'll let Cronus come.... I KNOW HE'S MY BODY GUARD!!! Ugh why must you make this harder than it already is?!? Yes I have my outfits!! No you can not put my photos on your fridge!! You're not my mom don't smother me!! OKAY OKAY CALM DOWN!!!" You hang up before your aunt Porrim can yell at you even more. You must say that you're gonna miss LA but you really wanna see Kankri again. Oh fuck. You see a news truck pull up. Oh no. Reporters pull up and shove their microphones in front of you.

"Mr. Vantas! Mr. Vantas! Is it true that you're returning to your home town for college!! You're the most popular troll fashion model!! How exactly do you expect that to turn out??" A reporter says.

"U-Umm... well I'm just going to college and visiting my brother. I've been gone for a while..." You say. You see camera flashes. Shit.

"So you're going back dressed like that. Is that the new outfit from your new photoshoot!!" The reporter says. You nod. You're wearing a red sleeveless crop top. A net shirt under. You have short black jean shorts. With a checkered belt. You have leather biker gloves with net gloves under them. You have a choker on and a dark grey beanie. You nod at the reporter again.

 You feel a hand tap your shoulder. You turn and see Cronus your body guard pointing over to a limousine. Great. Riding in style. Again. You put a hand up to the reporters and hop into the back seat of the limousine. The reporters take pictures as Cronus starts the car. 

"C'mon  Ampora step on it." You buckle your seat belt and grab soda from the right cabinet. 

(Jsyk I'm to lazy to type Cronus's voice correctly so you're gonna get a normal sounding Cronus with out the double vv and ww stuff)

"Aight chief." Cronus starts driving. Thankfully there's no traffic. When you arrive at the airport Cronus opens the door and lets you out. Time to go home. Cronus takes your bags and you both walk to sector with a private jet. You hate jets but your aunt won't tolerate anything else. Cronus loads your luggage into the back. You get into the jet and sit down on one of the couches. Cronus sits on the one across from you after closing the jet door. 

"So... you excited?" Your mood brightens.

"FUCK YEAH I AM!!" Ahhh yes it feel so much better to finally speak in your normal voice. Cronus gives you two thumbs up before slouching on the couch.

"Feels good to relax I know. Anyway you said you were going to college. But school doesn't start until much later. Why are we leaving so early?" Cronus says

"I'M GONNA SPEND TIME WITH MY BROTHER." You say flopping over on the couch like a child.

"Nice. Kankri right?" Cronus asked. You nod.

"Ah. We were college friends. I haven't seen him in a while. Guess it'll be nice to catch up." Cronus says. You nod once more before falling asleep on the couch.

Excuse me what? (BOOK 2) {Davekat}Where stories live. Discover now