Why do I keep seeing you everywhere?!

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Become Jake English

You walk into the grocery store. Hopefully this shop is better. You grab a weird store basket. You walk down isle and find some good food for lunch and dinner. You grab the food off the shelf, but when you do someone else does it in the other isle. You're met face to face with Dirk. That man from the weapons shop. You both look at each other. A confused expression on your faces. 

"Are y-" you both say .

-"Are you following me?!" You speak over him. Dirk looks around. Still confused.

"Uhhh. No. Are you following me?" He points at you. You shake your head. 

"I-I'm gonna keep shopping...." you say retreating to a few isles behind you. You grab some bread and dairy products. You put them in the basket and walk to the next isle. As you walk out if the isle. You look around suspiciously. You see Dirk come out of an isle at the same time on the other side of the store. He notices you. You but look at each other with a very concerned expression plastered on your faces. You look at the next thing you need/want to get. It's a little cupcake. You think it'd be something nice to eat. When you look up you see that Dirk is going for it as well. You both lock eyes. I guess today isn't your day. You sigh and go to the check out and buy the food. The cashier puts it in a plastic bag and you walk out.

"Hey. Jake!" The blonde runs up to you. Oh what does he want now?! He goes in his bag and pulls out the cupcake in a plastic container.

"You wanted this right?" He holds it out to you. Your face heats up. You did want it. But didn't he? Why would he give it to you? 

"U-Ummm... yes. But you bought it. You should keep it."  You say pushing the plastic container with the cupcake you so badly wanted away. Dirk shrugs and puts it back in his bag. You walk to the next place. You think that the animal shelter will cheer you up. Also you don't think a guy like him would go there. You start off down the street. You grip your groceries tight as you pick up the pace. You make it into the shelter and head straight to the back of the store. They have bunnies there. Quite adorable creatures. You kneel down next to the bunny in the cage. It's a white bunny with gray spots. How cute. You hold your hand out. The bunny in the cage slowly makes its way over. It sniffs your finger. You know that signals you're okay. You most your hand up and pet the bunny. A worker stops by you.

"Omfg.... you wanna take him out to play...?" You look up and see the same man from the weapons shop and the super market. You look over. He has a name tag. 'Dirk Strider'. Huh. You face palm. 

"U-Umm sure..." you stand up. Dirk kneels down and unlocks the cage. He lifts up the bunny and hands it to you carefully. 

" the rooms for you to hang with the animals are over there." He points to a door across the shelter. You nod and walk over. You open the door and sit in a tiny stall with toys and brushes. You sit down in the stall and let the bunny rest on your lap. You place your groceries down on the seat. There's a window in the stall. It lets you see the front desk of the shelter where you adopt. You don't pay attention to that. You pet the bunny. It's eyes flutter closed and then open again. It hops around. You laugh a little. It climbs up your shirt and hops from shoulder to shoulder. You laugh again. It's so adorable. The bunny stops on one shoulder and snuggles to your face. Awwe.

Become Dirk Strider

You find yourself staring at the man in the pet stall. The bunny snuggles to his face. How cute. You stop yourself from staring. Your face heats up. What's this feeling. The man has dark brown hair and glasses that match so well with his lightly tanned skin. You're glad that you snuck the thing into his bag. 

Become Jake again

You walk out of the stall with the bunny and your groceries. You think you'll adopt it. Him? Her? Who cares. You walk out to the front desk. Great. He's there. 

"I think i'll adopt this little fella." You say petting the bunnies head.

"Aight well you're gonna need the required cages and foo-." Dirk is cut off by you.

"No need! I already have a dog, 3 kittens,  6 bearded dragons, chickens, 2 birds, and a bunny already. I've got it covered." You smile at the man and pet the bunny on your shoulder again. He looks surprised. 

"Okay Damn... uhh. Here are the forms." Dirk says handing you the papers. You sign them and put in info for money. You are about to walk out of the shop when he shouts something to you.

"I left you a little something in your bag!!" He say. You put down your groceries and look through them. You see the cupcake in the plastic container. But there's a flower on top. Your face heats up. You back and he's not at the front desk. He's gone. What a mysterious man. You head off back home. Humming to yourself. It actually wasn't a bad day today.

Excuse me what? (BOOK 2) {Davekat}Where stories live. Discover now