This is a thing now...

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Become unknown

You're newly added character here. You don't exactly know what you are doing but you're in a ship. You're not really sure what you are doing here. You sit up and pull your covers off of you. You yawn. Your hands feel around your bed side table. Ah there are your glasses. You put your glasses on and observe your surroundings. You have a pretty empty room. Not much. Your personality bounces off the walls but your younger sister likes things neater. Even though she isn't neat herself. You have dark green bed sheets that remind you of grass. Hehe... weird I know. You've always liked the outdoors. Going on adventures is your favorite thing in the whole world. Speaking of which you were going to walk to the near town and get food for your sister. You jump out of you bed and throw on some clothes. You don't pay attention to what you wear much because you aren't home much. You go to a nice college, but you wanted to stay summer break with your sister. She's a waitress in a restaurant at the near by town. What was it called again? Homestuck? Yeah that's it. It's a nice little town. It's where your college is located. Anyway what are you wearing again? Oh yes. You put on your green skull shirt that's tucked into cargo shorts which... damn those are short. They are really short... and are really tight. For a while you've been insecure about your behind for a long time. You've been harassed a lot for it. Whether it's being slapped in the ass or being flirted with then made uncomfortable. You honestly hate your body but at least you aren't normal. Being normal sucks. You run down the stairs of the house and pull on some socks. You then put on your green high top converse and head out with your wallet in hand. 

"Bye bro!" Says your sister as you leave. Time to start your adventure. You start at a run and make your way down the street. The town is 2 miles away. You live far away but mostly because you've always lived far. Your Grandparents always liked the quiet life. You jump across tree stumps, walk on the edges of small river bridges, and swing on tree branches. You love the forest you live in. Jade usually drives which ruins the fun. Little sisters never really understand all the fun stuff around them when they're teens. Anyway you've just arrived at the town. You jump of a tree branch and land on your feet. You put your wallet in your pocket. You walk down the street admiring the weather and sky. A familiar shop catches your eye and you decide to go there before the grocery store. It's a weapons store with bullets which you need dearly for you and your sister. The owner basically cherishes you. Not in the disgusting way. You buy bullets on a daily so he knows you well. Your pistols have been unused without bullets. You walk inside the store. It's a pretty empty place. You walk down and find shot gun and pistol bullets. You pick up the bullets. Someone wraps their arm around you.

 "Hey pretty boy. What's a little cute like you doing at a place like this?" This man is about 3 inches taller than you. Much older. Pedo but you're not a minor. You're 21 and this man looks 46. You feel his arm slide down your back and grab your ass. Suddenly he stops. A voice cuts in. A hand is placed on the mans shoulder.

"Hey creep. Can ya leave him alone." A taller blonde man pulls the guy off of you. He has weird pointy shades and looks to be your age. But tall. He has a black tank top on with a orange hat on it. He's wearing jeans and orange converse on. What's with everyone and converse? He has a bag shaped like a weird cylinder. The blonde man argues with the dude. Ugh. You know how this is. He's gonna tell him to go away so he can harass you instead. That's always what happens. Your blood boils. You didn't ask for this. You never did. You look up and spot a pistol that they use for the shoot range lying around. You take out two bullets. You grip them in your hand and slowly pick up the pistol. You pretend to look at it then load in the bullets. You're not gonna shoot them. Just scare them away. You click the gun and point it up at the two men.

"Alright!! You two perverts get away!!" You say glaring through them. The older man laughs.

"As if you know how to use it pretty boy!!" Says the older man. You can tell he's actually afraid. just hiding it. You walk closer to the men.

"Do I need to repeat myself sir?" You click the gun again. His expression fades.

"Y-You're crazy... you wouldn't actually...?" The man backs up. You point the gun up and fire once. The noise echoes. The older man stumbles and runs out the door screaming. You turn to the blonde man. You lower the gun and glare at him. He stiffens. He puts up both his hands.

" I'm not going to touch you. I was just trying to help." Says the blonde man. 

"What's ya name kid?" Says the man. You glare up at him.

"I'm 21!!?!? Also why would I tell you???" You shout at him. The store owner rushes over.

"Ah Dirk! Jake! If it isn't my two favorite customers!!" Says the shop owner Adrien. Well I guess now he knows my name. Shit. Adrien is wearing a white shirt with a red checkered flannel. Over that is a brown apron. Adrien has messy peanut butter brown hair and goggles on his face.

(Is me!!)

"Hey A. Got the sword repair tools in stock?" Dirk says walking over to the shop owner. Adrien thinks for a sec.

" Yeah I got em. Did you lose yours already?" Says Adrien lifting his goggles onto his head. Dirk shrugs.

"Lil bro got to em and hasn't returned em." Dirk says taking off his bag and unzipping it to reveal a katana that is dented. Adrien shakes his head.

"You two come on back. I got what you need." Adrien says putting his goggles back on his face and waving us over. We walk behind his desk and into a room. Woah... It's like a whole blacksmith station in a small shop. Magic. Bloody hell. Adrien tosses you both a bag. Inside your bag theres bullets of all sorts and new pistols. Leg holsters strapped to the side. You take off the holsters and put them on your legs. They fit well. You look over. Dirk has custom made sword handles and a repair kit. You wander over to his curiously and look at the custom sword handle.

"Woah... Ever since i've know Adrien he's never made anything custom.. how on earth...?" You say not realizing you're circling him. Dirk chuckles. 

"Me and A have been buds since high school. You'd be surprised on how many secrets he keeps..." Dirk says looking down at the repair kit and going through it. Huh. You never thought Adrien would be the secretive type. Adrien gives everything to you on the house. Heck yeah. Free bullets. You and Dirk leave. Not really noticing your are going the same way. The grocery store.

Excuse me what? (BOOK 2) {Davekat}Where stories live. Discover now