Sniper Kill

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Candace: You're going to be, because you're grounded.

That's exactly when a gunshot could be heard. The window behind (Y/N)'s mother appeared with a bullet hole. Candace fell onto the floorboard dead with a gunshot wound in the back of her neck.

(Y/N): Holy shi-!

(Y/N) had stepped back at the reaction to his mother's death. He however tripped on his own feet and fell onto the floor boards in a sitting position. 

His power acted again, a white holographic recreation of Candace was visible to (Y/N). It stood at the point of where she was standing before she got shot, two red circles on the back of her neck indicated the location of where the bullet struck Candace. A white dotted line was then drawn, connecting the holograph's bullet wound to the bullet hole, the line continued it's way through the window and towards the rooftop of (Y/N)'s next door neighbour's house.

(Y/N) leaned slightly to the left to see more of where the line pointed to. A glance showed that the line stopped at a figure standing on the rooftop. The moment (Y/N) saw the figure, the sniper shot at (Y/N). The bullet missed and hit the wall (Y/N) was sat next to.

(Y/N): Fuck, fuck, fuck!

(Y/N) quickly got up and began darting through the hallway, while doing this, his power showed him a picture of the sniper (Y/N) saw from his own perspective. A white square appeared where the sniper's face would be. It was trying to scan the sniper's face. But, his power concluded that the sniper was wearing a face mask.

(Y/N) saw the front door and began speeding towards it. As he reached for the door handle, his power displayed a red "X" on the handle. (Y/N) looked up at the door and saw the words "Too Open" and "Survival Chance 8%". (Y/N) looked back and glanced at the stairs and saw more words. "Hide" and "Survival Chance 37%". (Y/N) took that chance of the lower one and darted up the stairs.

(Y/N) ran up the stairs and got to the second floor's hallway. His power created a white outline around a decorative lamp sat on a hallway table. An arrow from the lamp to the opposite window. The words "Pretend Escape" and "Survival Chance +15%" appeared on the window. 

Following his power's instructions, (Y/N) grabbed the lamp, ripping the plug out of the wall socket, and through it out the window, causing a loud "crash" sound to be heard. (Y/N) then ran into his upstairs bedroom and closed the door behind him.

(Y/N) sighed with relief and lent his back against the door. He then fully processed his surroundings and saw the sniper standing in the centre of (Y/N)'s room. The sniper was holding a weapon that looked liked science fiction to (Y/N). (Y/N)'s power displayed two red circles on the snipers knees, below them was the word "Attack".

(Y/N) dived towards the sniper's knees. The sniper was very quick to react as he jumped back and shot the futuristic weapon at the ground where he previously stood at. A blue portal opened up that was opaque. This action left (Y/N) diving through the portal unwillingly.

(Y/N): What-?

(Y/N) exited the other side of the portal, he quickly looked around to see that he was falling towards a cliff and was above an ocean. (Y/N)'s power activated once again, it brought up a white circle at the base of a black and red figure hanging onto the cliff side. The word "Grab" appeared along with "Survival Chance 0%", the percent raised up as (Y/N) got closer to the black and red figure.

(Y/N) managed to reach out for and grab the figure. He held on as if it was a rope.

Girl #1: Whoa!

The object (Y/N) grabbed onto slipped slightly but managed to keep itself attached to the cliff. (Y/N) the realised that what he grabbed onto was someone's leg. (Y/N) looked up to see who he grabbed onto and was met with the underside of a skirt. (Y/N) immediately looked away in embarrassment.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Girl #1: Who are you and what are you doing?

The voice of the girl sounded familiar.

(Y/N): Can it wait till we get off this cliff, please?

The girl then used a tool that (Y/N) couldn't see to climb up the cliff. (Y/N) felt as though the girl was climbing up the cliff several meters at a time. When the two of them got to the top of the cliff face, the girl jumped up several more meters while (Y/N) fell face first into the dirt.

Girl #2: Who's that?

Girl #1: I don't-

A quiet beep noise stopped the girl from finishing her sentence. (Y/N) started to push himself off the ground and spit some dirt out of his mouth.

Girl #1: Are we OK?

There was a moment of nothing but the sound of something large flying through the air.

Girl 3#: Well, we're all ears.

(Y/N) then looked up at the where the third girl's voice was coming from. He saw two people. A blonde hair guy wearing a black jumper along with white armour, he seemed hurt as a red haired girl wearing a dark blue crop jacket and a pink skirt was holding him steady. (Y/N) couldn't help but remember them from somewhere.

Guy #1: Guys!

A second guy with long black hair and green clothing came into (Y/N)'s view and began to help the girl hold up the blonde guy. (Y/N)'s power activated once again. Three white squares formed around each of their faces. It was trying to scan their faces like it tried to with the sniper. However this time, it work. All three facial scan the disappeared as a picture of each person, along with a name and small description, appeared above each one of them. "Nora Valkyrie : RWBY Vol 4-6 Outfit." was above the red haired girl, "Jaune Arc : RWBY Vol 4-6 Outfit" was above the blonde guy and "Lie Ren : RWBY Vol 4-6 Outfit" was above the black haired guy. (Y/N) was shocked at what what he saw.

(Y/N): No bloody way...

Girl #2: We noticed.

(Y/N) looked back at the two girls behind him to see three more people he recognised. His power further proved that by showing (Y/N) that they were indeed Qrow Branwen, Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee. Ruby seemed to have one of her hands up to one of her ears as if she was listening to something.

Jaune : We can destroy the entire cannon. Oscar that's brilliant.

(Y/N) was too in shock of the situation he was currently in to concentrate on what the conversation was about. He just stood their in disbelief. His began to play a video in his view. It was an episode of RWBY, Volume 6, episode 12. (Y/N) began to understand when in the show he exactly was.

Nora: Can you... make that kind of shot?

Ruby: We'll only get one chance before she catches on. I'll have to be practically staring down the barrel of her cannon.

There we're a few moments of nothing before a large ship came flying down to the edge of the cliff side. (Y/N)'s power was quick to scan in and said it was a Bullhead from RWBY. Ruby quickly ran inside the ship an stayed in it as it flew away.

Qrow: Ruby! What are you doing?

Qrow went to chase after her, but (Y/N) grabbed his back hand and stopped him.

(Y/N): She's got this.

Qrow: How would you know?

(Y/N): Trust me, I know.


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