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Future Ruby brings up three images of people. Each one was positioned like a school photograph. The names of each of them appeared below them.

The were "Ruby Rose", "(F/N) (L/N)", and "Brodie 'Brodster36'".

Future Ruby: You're next mission is to find these three guys.

Everyone eyes the pictures of Ruby and (Y/N).

Miku: Aren't they, you know, right here.

Miku gestures to (Y/N) and Ruby standing at the table. Future Ruby looks over to (Y/N).

Future Ruby: You wanna scan them real quick.

(Y/N) follow's future Ruby's instructions and uses his power to scan the images of himself and Ruby. They came back with "Ruby Rose - Volume 1-3 Outfit" and "(F/N) (Y/N) - Age: 16".

(Y/N): They're both two years younger than us.

Future Ruby: Yep.

Gwen: So, we doing more time travel?

Ruby: I don't remember future me coming to see me at Beacon though.

(Y/N): Same here, I don't remember a kid called Brodie either.

Future Ruby: This isn't time travel.

Monika: Dimension hopping?

Future Ruby: She's got it.

Ruby: Awesome.

Miku: What dimension are they in?

Future Ruby types up more things into the holographic computer. A sphere with multiple galaxies in side of it.

Future Ruby: You're going to dimension "Bacca-G7". These people are on the Earth of that dimension.

Gwen: You're giving us an entire planet to look on?

Future Ruby: Oops, sorry. Is...

Future Ruby began to type into the holographic computer more. The universe map zooms into Earth, then North America, before stopping at a city.

Future Ruby: ...Phoenix City, Alabama good enough for you?

Everyone gave a good chuckle.

Gwen: Y- Yeah... I'd say so.

Ruby: I can't wait to say that.

Future Ruby: Let me tell you, it feels so good.

Miku: Why do we need to find these people?

Future Ruby types into the holographic projection again. A modal of Salem appears.

Everyone: Salem!?!

Ruby: I told you it was Salem we would have to deal with! I'm on a roll today!

(Y/N): Surely the guys from RWBY can deal with that, right?

Monika: Yeah, isn't that the whole endgame for the show?

Future Ruby: Not this time. This Salem is from dimension KDog-22. She has gotten the power of dimension hopping.

Gwen: Uh oh...

Ruby: Where is she now?

Future Ruby: She is in dimension A-00.

Miku: A-00? Is that the first dimension or something?

Future Ruby: Yep, it's the one that which every other dimension is based off.

(Y/N): Far out...

Future Ruby: Because it's the first one, it has a barrier that only two people can break through. One of them being Salem, the other's whereabouts are known to the (Y/N) you have to find.

Multiverse Protection Force Origins ((Y/N)xMonikaxRubyxMikuxGwenxAyano)Where stories live. Discover now