Death Or Delete

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(Y/N) walks up to Monika and grabs her by the shoulders.

(Y/N): Monika. You're the one in danger.

Monika: Who's gonna take me? And why with you three out of everyone?

(Y/N) lets go of Monika

Miku: (Y/N) thinks there are two things that connect us four. We all know each other as fiction, and-

Ruby: And we all have a power from everyone else!

Sayori: You four have superpowers!

Yuri: You have a power, Monika?

Monika: Uhh...

Sayori: What is it? I need to know!

Monika: You wouldn't like what I can do.

Yuri: Monika, that doesn't matter, we're friends. It's not like you can kill us with a click of a button.

(Y/N), Ruby, Miku and Monika begin to run the back of their heads in distress and look in random directions.

Sayori: Wait? You can kill us with a click of a button?

Monika: Uhh...

Yuri: It's fine. Just what ever you do, don't press it.

Monika: I won't.

Ruby: *mutters* Sure you won't.

(Y/N)'s power heard Ruby's mutters and amplified it to replay in (Y/N)'s ears at an audible level.

(Y/N): This thing messes with sounds as well?

Sayori: What thing?

Miku: His power.

Yuri: What is this, (Y/N)'s, power?

(Y/N): It makes me really smart, by showing me random shit.

Ruby: If you look close enough, you can see what he sees on his eyes.

(Y/N): Wait, you can!?!

(Y/N) began to rub his eyes in reaction to Ruby's statement.

(Y/N): Please, don't do that.

Monika: If all four of us have an unusual power, why are Ruby and Miku here?

Miku: What's that supposed to mean?

Monika: I'm pretty sure people have a speed semblance on Remnant. And Miku definitely doesn't have a power.

(Y/N): For Ruby, it isn't her semblance, it's her silver eyes.

Monika: Oh...

(Y/N): And Miku does have a power. You know who green lantern is?

Monika: No?

(Y/N): Dammit, won't make sense then.

Ruby: When she sings, whatever she's singing just appears.

Monika: Woah.

Yuri: So what's yours?

Monika: Huh?

Yuri: You're power, what is it?

Sayori: I really wanna know.

Monika: You won't like the sound of it, trust me.

Sayori: Come on, Monika!

Miku: No, she's right, you won't like the sound of it.

Yuri: It can't be too surprising.

(Y/N): Did you not just hear our powers, or what? I'd say they're pretty gosh darn surprising.

Multiverse Protection Force Origins ((Y/N)xMonikaxRubyxMikuxGwenxAyano)Where stories live. Discover now