Seeing Red, My Way

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A large ship came flying down to the edge of the cliff side. (Y/N)'s power was quick to scan in and said it was a Bullhead from RWBY. Ruby quickly ran inside the ship an stayed in it as it flew away.

Qrow: Ruby! What are you doing?

Qrow went to chase after her, but (Y/N) grabbed his back hand and stopped him.

(Y/N): She's got this.

Qrow: How would you know?

(Y/N): Trust me, I know.

Weiss: Just who do you think you are?

(Y/N): I'll explain once your on your way to Atlas.

Jaune: How do you know that?

(Y/N): I'll explain later. Someone give me their earpiece.

Nora: What? Why? How should we trust you?

(Y/N): Ruby will fail if I don't talk to her.

Qrow: What do you mean she will fail?

(Y/N): Just give me the bloody earpiece!

Ren reluctantly takes of his earpiece and throws it to (Y/N), who catches it and puts it on. (Y/N) stares at the bullhead as he activates it.

(Y/N): Ruby? Ruby, are you there?

Ruby: Who is this?

(Y/N): The guy who's gonna help you. I need you to shoot as soon as you aim at the missiles.

Ruby: Why? I won't be able to aim properly.

(Y/N): She'll see you if you don't shoot quick enough. Just do it.

Ruby doesn't respond back. Instead, (Y/N) and the RWBY characters behind him watch as the bullhead flies towards the giant robot standing in the middle of the ocean. (Y/N)'s eyes widen in shock as he realises how big the robot truly was. The robot aims her cannon at the bullhead. (Y/N)'s power creates a zoomed in display of the bullhead. This display shows Ruby quickly aiming her Crescent Rose roughly at the robot's missile holder and fires.

What follows is a number of explosions that completely cover the robot's cannon arm in smoke. A large splash can be heard as the cannon the breaks off the robot, unbalancing it and causing it to then fall and sits in the ocean. The cheering of RWBY characters from behind (Y/N) go on. Qrow walks up to (Y/N).

Qrow: How'd you know how to do that?

As (Y/N) tries to come up with an answer, a video of a huge Grimm appears because of his power. The video is labelled "RWBY V6:E13 Our Way".

(Y/N): Oh crap.

Qrow: What? What is it?

(Y/N): We're not done yet.

The bullhead Oscar, Ruby and Maria were in then lands next to the group. Ruby is the first to come out.

Ruby: We did it!

Everyone begins to cheer.

Maria: Who was the boy talking before?

Suddenly, everyone turns to (Y/N) in confusion.

Weiss: Who are you?

(Y/N) doesn't answer and sprints into the bullhead.

Ren: What are you...

(Y/N) grabs the communications radio. A picture of the old lady piloting the robot appears along with the tagline "Caroline Cordovin".

(Y/N): Caroline!

Multiverse Protection Force Origins ((Y/N)xMonikaxRubyxMikuxGwenxAyano)Where stories live. Discover now