Devil's Comic Strip

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(Y/N) scanned the killer's face to reveal that she was "Ayano Aishi - Female Uniform 01".

(Y/N): Ayano? No, no no, no, no.

Ruby: Yandere-chan Ayano? Oh no.

Miku: Great... now we have an actual Yandere to deal with.

Ayano turned her head away from the girl she just pushed off the edge. She looked towards the four bystanders that watched the whole murder occur. (Y/N)'s zoomed in display showed that her right eye twitched.

(Y/N): Aw fuck...

Ayano pointed towards the four onlookers. Another girl appeared next to her. She wore clothes similar to Ayano, but the uniform looked as if someone put a grey scale filter on top of them. The girl's skin from her neck upwards was completely black. Her eyes were replaced with eight red eyes similar to a spider. She had short grey hair. (Y/N)'s power scanned the demonic girl to revel she was "Empty Demon's Husk".

(Y/N): It's a husk!

Miku: She's done the Demonic Ritual!?!

The husk climbed down the side of the building. Once it reached halfway down to the ground, it jumped off the wall and landed about fifteen meters in front of the four murder bystanders.

Monika: Jesus Christ!

The husk then pushed itself off the ground on order to allow itself to jump out at Ruby, (Y/N), Miku and Monika. Ruby reacted quickly by reaching for her Crescent Rose, aim it directly at the Husk, and shot it straight in the face at point blank. Instead of the Husk's head exploding into lots of blood and gore. The Husk just disappeared in black and purple smoke that started to form at the point of the gunshot wound and travelled itself down the husk's body. Leaving a cloud of smoke to blast into Ruby's face.

Ruby: *cough* *cough* Got it.

Monika: You got one...

Everyone looked back up to the roof to see around twenty more husks crawling away from Ayano and down the building's exterior walls.

Miku: Run!

The four multidimensional beings sprint away from the demonic carnage that was coming towards them. The four of them ran across the weapons that Ruby saw beforehand. (Y/N)'s power indicated that he should pick one of them up. (Y/N) quickly did so, managing to grab a steel pipe, but a Husk also managed to grab onto him and push him to the ground.

(Y/N): HELP!

The girls turned around to see (Y/N) fending off a husk with a metal pipe being pushed against's it's hands. Miku aimed her hand at (Y/N) and the Husk and sung a line from Jonas Blue's "Rise" song.

Miku: We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'till we fall.

A blue transparent platform appeared between the husk and (Y/N). The platform quickly rose up at an unimaginable speed, taking the Husk along with it. (Y/N) quickly stood up and looked towards his savoir.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Miku: No problem.

Ruby: Hate to be that guy... but...

(Y/N) looked behind him to see the rest of Ayano's Husk army hurdling towards him.

(Y/N): Just run!

The four of them continued their horrific escape into the school, pushing past any school student out of the way. Miku started to warn them about the incoming Husk raid.

Miku: I'd run if I was you guys!

The students didn't seem to listen to her advice as multiple students started to be devoured by some of the Husks. Ruby was the only one that was brave enough to look behind her. She constantly fired her Crescent Rose into the horde. She managed to pick a few of them off. Monika looked in front of the group to see another ten Husks coming at them.

Multiverse Protection Force Origins ((Y/N)xMonikaxRubyxMikuxGwenxAyano)Where stories live. Discover now