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Miku: We're in Doki Doki Literature Club.

(Y/N) saw four girls and one guy. A brown haired boy with yellow eyes. A soft red haired girl with a red bow, Sayori. A short, pink haired girl, Natsuki. A tall, purple haired girl, Yuri. And lastly, a girl with long, brown hair and a large white bow, Monika.

Ruby: Not that game! It creepped me the heck out.

(Y/N): If I'm right about all of us having a different power, then the next person is definitely Monika.

Miku: Great... We have to deal with a digital yandere... Just perfect.

(Y/N) moves away from the door's window in case any of the club members see him from inside. Ruby takes his place.

Miku: What are they doing?

Ruby: I think they're doing the poem thing.

Miku and (Y/N) then join Ruby in watching the scene unfold. They watch as Yuri and Natsuki are partnered up and read each other poems. An argument can be heard emerging from the inside.

Yuri: Which I haven't yet.

Natsuki: Nn...

Yuri: And MC liked my poem, you know. He even told me he was impressed by it.

Ruby: MC?

(Y/N): I guess that's the guy's, the player's, name.

Miku: I wouldn't name a kid MC...

Ruby: Me neither.

Natsuki quickly stands up from her desk.

Natsuki: Oh? I didn't realise you were so invested in trying to impress our new member, Yuri.

(Y/N): Oh great... The argument... perfect fucking timing...

Yuri: E-Eh? That's not what I... Uu... You... You're just...

Yuri stands up, now towering over Natsuki.

Yuri: Maybe you're just jealous that MC appreciates my advice more than he appreciated yours!

Natsuki: Huh! And how do you know he didn't appreciate my advice more? Are you that full of yourself?

Yuri: I...! No... If I was full of myself... I would deliberately go out of my way to make everything I do overly cutesy!

Natsuki seems to be lost for words.

Miku: I don't think I can watch this anymore.

Ruby: Come on Miku! It's about to get good.

Sayori then joins in to stop the argument.

Sayori: U-Um!! Is everyone OK...?

Natsuki: Well, you know what? I wasn't the one whose boobs magically grew a size bigger as soon as MC started showing up!!

(Y/N): Ouch....

Yuri: N-Natsuki!!

Monika then joins Sayori in stopping the argument from unravelling into a violent act.

Monika: Um, Natsuki, that's a little-

Natsuki and Yuri: This doesn't involve you!

Sayori: I-I don't like fighting, guys...!

Natsuki and Yuri then turn to MC, realising he was listening the entire time.

Yuri: MC...! She- She's just trying to make me look bad...!

Natsuki: That's not true! She started it! If she could get over herself and learn to appreciate that simple writing is more effective... Then this wouldn't have happened in the first place! What's the point in making your poems all convoluted for no reason? The meaning should just jump out at the reader, not force them to have to figure it out. Help me explain that to her, MC!

Multiverse Protection Force Origins ((Y/N)xMonikaxRubyxMikuxGwenxAyano)Where stories live. Discover now